Trust (Part 19)

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" JungKook-ssi? What do you want from me? I do really busy with my works, please get out from my office. Hagyu-ya, please brings him out from my office. "

" Excuse me, sir. Please get out from Mrs. Eunha office or I'll called security. "

" Eunha-ya, I just want to meet you just a few minutes. " Eunha stopped her move.

" Excuse me, sir.. "

" Hagyu-ya, let him go. You can continue your works. "

" Nae, Eunha-ssi. "

" Okay, just a few minutes.. "

- THJ Cafe -

" So, hurry up.. I'm so busy. " said Eunha with strict.

" Okay, I'm really sorry about what happened in our past time. It's not what all of us want, right? So, do you still loves me? "

" Whatever you says, I'll not trust you anymore. You never thinks what I have faced before this. I see you just relax and just be like this. "

" Listen to me, I never lie my feelings to you. I do loves you, Eunha. "

" Listen this too, I never loved you again and never give you a second chance! " her tears drop slowly while leaving the cafe.

" Eun... This problems be so difficult, how can I fix this? Ha! I've to makes her to trust me again. But, how? I'll thinks about it later. "

- Eunha place -

" Hagyu-ah, is Eunha in there? "

" Yes, Mr. Taehyung. "

Then, Taehyung opened the door and sees Eunha was crying.

" Eunha-ya, what's wrong? " he closed the door.

" Opp..paa.. *cry* "

" Why? Why? Just tells me, I'll heard it. " Taehyung trying to comfort her.

" Sh..oouulldd.. I get back with him? I treats him like trash just now. "

" Eunha-ya, just follow what you want. If he's the best for you, I'm pretty sure he will makes you happy. Don't think about your past, now you've to give him a second chance to fix this. Well, we don't know. Maybe, he will changed to be an honest person? Don't you think, he's trying to be good for you? But you deny it. "

" Thank you, oppa. You always take care of me, I do really appreciated it. *hugged Taehyung* Even though, we're not meant to be.. I hope you will stay be by my sides forever as my oppa. *smiles* "

" Yes, I will.. my little teddy bear. Let me pinch your cheeks, hehehe. *pinch her cheeks* You're so cute, that's why I likes you. " then they be quiet for a few seconds.

" Oppa.. Will you be okay.. if I choose JungKook over you? "

" I don't care, just don't forget your cute oppa. Okayy? I always be by your sides, I'm a man that you can trust. "

" You're still smiles even I choose him, don't worry.. I never forget you, oppa. "

" Do you feels better right now? I've to continue my works. "

" I'm okay, you can go continue your work oppa. " then he goes and he just hold the door and Eunha called him.

" Oppa.. wait there.. *goes to Taehyung and hugged him from back* "

" Eunha-ya, don't do this here. People will thinks weird, goodbye. "

" Oppa, you don't like my gift? " said Taehyung that just wanna goes out.

" I like but, don't do this here again.. Understand? *smile* "

" Nae.. *smile* "

After 3 weeks ago, JungKook that was hiding in somewhere.. he goes to Eunha's house bravely.

- Eunha's house, 1pm -

Eunha do busy with her housework, she called her dad, mom and sister to having lunch together.

" Dad! Mom! Unnie! Come here, I made special lunch for us. Hope you will like it. "

" Wow! You cooks Chilli Crab, meats? I hope it will be so delicious? " said Eunji.

" Unnie! It's will be a delicious, right mom? "

" Nae², have a seat all of you. Thank you, Eunha-ah.. for cooks all of this. "

" Ya, Thank you Eunha-ya.. You make me proud of you. Let's eat. "

" Most welcome, ya².. Taste first. " said Eunha with confident.

Then, there's someone knock the door. Eunha goes to the door and open it, to sees who's that person.

"Jjj...uunggKook?! What are you doing here? I don't wanna meets you! Don't you understand? "

" What?! JungKook was here? Come in and having the lunch with us, all of these Eunha cooks. Don't be shy. " said Eunha dad with politely.

" Appa.. Wae? " Eunha whisper to her dad. JungKook come inside and he seat at the one empty chair.

" How are you? You're hiding these days right? Why? " said Eunha dad, Eunha mom and Eunji just smiles. Eunha feels weird with today.

" Emm.. I'm busy with my works. " then Eunha dad give him a sign, JungKook nod and then he standing up infront Eunha.

" Eunha-ya, I know you do mad of me. But please, forgive me. Give me a second chance, I'll always be by your sides forever until we die. " said JungKook while hold her hand. Her family asks her to forgive him, Eunha be like ' What's happened today? '.

" No, I'm not forgive you." said Eunha with strict.

" It's makes me hurts, emm.. uncle, auntie & nuna. I'm gonna going right now. " then he walk out with a slow steps, then Eunha hugged him from back.

" I'm forgiving you, I'm just joking before. Hehehe.. "

" Hiya! *he looks at Eunha* I thinks that you will not forgive me, uncle can we couple again? "

" Sure, just don't makes her feels hurts. She's our lovely youngest, take care of her. You've to thanks to me because I've helped you, right? "

" Thanks, uncle *bow* "

" What?! Do you did a plan to makes me forgive him? No, JungKook we're not a couple. Just go. "

" Oh? " said JungKook with a sad voice.

" Hahaha.. I just joking, don't take it too serious. " Eunha run from JungKook.

" Hiya! *chased Eunha* "

" I hope that I'll be like them.. " said Eunji that imagine about it.

" Eunji-yah, I thinks that you had someone right? " asks mom to Eunji.

" Hiya², enough. Let's continue eats. " said Eunha dad to Eunha & JungKook.

" Do you mean, Taehyung? I thinks that he's too young, so I'll find another man. "

" Okay.. "

Then, Eunha & JungKook be a couple and in love for 3 years. They helped a poor person and a kind things.

- Hayie Park -

Eunha & JungKook was lie down on the mat.

" Ahh! I feels relieved because we've donate anything to a poor person. I hope our child will be like us, right? " said JungKook.

" Our child? But, I hope they'll not followed what we've faces. Like our love in the past. "

" Oh.. Do you mad again? Don't be like this, I'll kiss you then. " then JungKook kiss on her cheeks.

" Hiya! I'll tickles you.. " then JungKook run from her, Eunha do chased him.

" You can't get me.. Hahaha.. "

They're very happy after faced a hard time, the next part is secret 😁.


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