Chapter 13

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Dipper POV

"What's your favorite color?"

"My favorite color is money, kid." Stan replied.

"Fair enough, so is mine. That's why I decided to send my lovely family members to-"

"Why are you here?" Ford's groggy cautious voice carried out in the darkness. I shifted my position in the doorway.

"I was just bored. Thought it would be nice to drop by," I said casually.

"You have no place here or in this family, so get lost dem-"

"Ford!" Mabel's voice rang out. I dropped the casual act and turned away from them, getting ready to leave.

"It's okay, Mabel, it's not like it matters anyways, I'm still dead to him," I said, my voice devoid of emotion. "To all of you."


I interrupted her,"You guys are being released in two days. Be happy, your one of the lucky ones."

"But you haven't done anyth-"

"I have no business with strangers."

"That's right, don't ever bother my family again." I stood still, a horrible feeling filling up my heart.

"Grunkle Stan! How could you say that?" Mabel screeched. Stan said nothing to her and continued, "Your tearing us apart, Dipper. You are not the Dipper we knew-" Stan stopped. I looked down at the floor. So that was how they wanted to play it, huh? Well, whatever, it's not like I surrendered my freedom in exchange for theirs or anything. Or sacrificed small parts of my humanity to feel better and feel happier, or-

"He's right. Y-You-" Mabel's voice cracked and my eyes widened.


"-You are nothing to us. Your  just a s-stupid demon." She spit out the word like it was the most disgusting thing in the world.

I started walking again and reached behind me to grab the door handle, sharply closing the metal door with a loud 'boom'. I kept walking around aimlessly and somehow made it to the library. Walking in, I dropped to my knees and held my head in my hands, gripping at my hair angrily.

"I grew up," I whispered. "That's all. That's all, that's all, that's all, that's all..."

"Why do these things always happen to me?" I looked at the ceiling of the library and felt a tear slowly make it's way to the ground.


Mabel POV

"You did a good thing, Mabel," Ford said. I looked away.

"I think I hurt Dipper," I whispered sadly.

"Sweetheart, I think we hurt Dipper either way. I think this was the best way to go. The best way we can help ourselves," Stan said softly.

"But, Dipper looked angry and-"

"Mabel you need to understand that Dipper is no longer the same. That was all just a show to make us pity him. Besides," Ford said bitterly,"He looks pretty happy to me with that stupid demon lord."

I didn't know anymore. I think I hurt my one and only brother. Was it worth it?

The three of us sat in silence, not really up for talking. We just did disown our own fami-

We did just break off our engagement with a stranger.

Out of nowhere, the door to our cell was slammed open and I inched away from the person furiously stomping towards us.

"Bill, what are yo-"

Bill went and grabbed Ford's collar forcefully, pulling Ford off the ground. He was angry. Really angry. His usually yellow appearance was gone and a violent red had taken it's place. I backed away from Bill again out of precaution.

"Shut it, Ford. I'm so fucking done," Bill breathed out. "You are going to tell me why the fuck Dipper is crying!" No one said anything and I looked at Stan.

I really did hurt Dipper. He never cried, he always looked sad but he never cried.

Did I make him cry?

"NOW!" Bill's voice resonated throughout the room, his hair flaring upwards.

"We disowned him," Stan said firmly.

Bill dropped Ford and looked at Stan. He shook his head and started walking to the door.

I thought he was going to kill us...

"Your all fucking idiots. Why do think Dipper is stuck with me in the first place?" All I could see was Bill's back but I understood that Bill wasn't too happy with his tone of voice. It was cold, dead, and serious, something that hadn't been present lately.

"He did it all to save your sorry asses and this is how you repay him?" Bill laughed bitterly. "No wonder he loves me, I'm the only one that will love him back, after all, his family are too busy thinking about themselves to love anyone they deem unfit or different."

Bill walked out and closed the door with a harsh boom.

It's all an act.

Yeah, right.
Dipper POV

"Hey, Dipper." A soft knock sounded on the door to the library, Bill'd voice just as gentle.

"Can I come in?" I didn't say anything as I wiped at my eyes again, feeling the after effects of crying. Bill took my silence as an invitation and I soon felt him draping his arm over my shoulder, pulling me close to his body. I sniffled as I cuddled further into his warm body, relaxing myself, making me feel better. We stayed like that for a while, in comfortable silence as I felt my eyes start to droop, the events of  the day weighing them down.

"Feeling better?" Bill's chest rumbled, waking me up from my drowsy state.

"You just want to get in my pants," I mumbled into his shirt, my eyes drooping down again. Bill let out a laugh and I managed to smile.

"That's true." I rolled my eyes. Bill let out a chuckle. "But right now you need to go to sleep."


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