Chapter Two

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I wanted to be with him so badly.

I wanted his eyes and hair.

The only thing i didnt want was his personality.

Zayn does know my name.

Truth is , we were friends from 1st to 5th grade. Once you hit middle school everything changes. Zayn became a new person. He started changing for the worse.

Graffiti, bullying , heartbreaking

He became a horrible person. but i love him. And ive loved him since the first time we met.

I wonder if he notices me the way he used to.

Maybe hes hiding something.

But hes probably not .

No one will fall for someone who looks like me. Brown curly hair with auburn streaks, tall green eyes.Nothing special. Just Jordyn.

I Can't Love Him :  A Zayn Malik FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now