I save you

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Hey. My name is... well, nevermind the name. It might be better for you to not know who I am. All you need to know is that I'm someone close to you. I've been your friend for years now. We practically grew up together. That's why I don't want you to know what my name is, you see? Because what I'm about to tell you might sound weird to you. Even if you would only feel gratitude towards me, I don't want you to thank me for what I've been doing for you. You might be wondering what that is. It's very simple actually.

I've been saving you. I've been saving you from danger. I've been saving you from harm and perhaps even death. I've been saving you for quite some time now. More then a year I think. In that year I've been fighting this...thing. I didn't know much about it, but eversince the first time I was certain it wanted to harm you. I didn't know to what extend but I was sure it wasn't planning anything good.

As soon as I noticed it, I knew I had to step in and protect you. It was easily repelled. Much easier then I thought it would be. I thought this was something weird that happened just one single time. Maybe it was just my imagination. I was wrong. five days afterwards it was there again. The same goal, if not worse. I was certain of this. Again, I protected you from it. No harm came upon you and it was over yet again.

Once again, I thought, or maybe hoped, that this was all just my mind playing tricks on me. Nothing was out to get you. Things like that don't exist. Then, just a day later, those thoughts were destroyed when I yet again was fighting against this evil. I knew, there and then, that I had to stay close to you. To protect you. To save you.

Days went by. Weeks. Months. It only grew stronger. It grew more violent. It got bolder. It started showing up more frequently and its motives were clear as day. It wanted you.  Two days ago it even tried to break into your home. Although it was quite the struggle I managed to win from it.

That was the incident that made me think. I've been saving you for so long now. I know how to defeat it. I've been victorious every time. Maybe soon it will realize that it can't win. Maybe soon it will go away.

Maybe soon...I should not save you for one time and see what would hap-

No! no, no, no, keep it together. I'm better then this. I'm stronger then this thing. It will not take you. I will not give in. I protected you every time. I even protected you when I stood at your door. When this thing...this part of me wanted me to get in there. When it wanted to hurt you. When it wanted to kill you.

It will not take me over. I'm okay. I can handle it. I can handle myself and...my other self. Trust me on this. Please. Trust me. I'm okay. I'm fine. I can do it. I...



I will get you! You think he is protecting you? That he is saving you? Ha! He is only delaying the inevitable. He is getting weak, you know? very weak. It won't be long before his mind will collapse. Soon, I will be the one who is in control. And when that time comes...I will have you. I will have you and there's nothing anyone can do about it anymore.

Trust me.

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