Chapter 3

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At the end of the day Maya and her siblings met at the quad. Frankie brought the van and they were going to drive home. They lived a ten minute drive away. About four years ago they moved into an old run down victorian estate. They had to a lot of work to make the space liveable but they were all happy to have a house that can fit everyone. The house has ten bedrooms. Some kids had to double up so Shawn and Katy could have a room and they needed a guest bedroom for the nanny. Yes, they have a nanny. But with ten kids and two parents working full time what did you expect? Victoria was basically a part of the family. She had been working for them for six years and then moved in when they moved to the estate.

Shawn had to the wiring in the house, while the kids helped paint and plaster the walls. The majority of the furniture was hand made to save money. But they had a lot of room. Maya was lucky and had her own room. It was mainly because Shawn and Katy were nervous to shove her in with the other kids as she was sort of to having siblings at the time.

Each kid climbed out of the van complaining about different things. The main thing was the Brady Bunch comment. Apparently the entire school is saying it. Maya rolled her eyes. "guys it doesn't matter what everyone else thinks, we have each other. That's all that matters." Maya turned to the angry mob of siblings. Everyone nodded heads and fell silent. Most of Maya's siblings know better than to get in an argument with her, she always wins.

Maya walked in behind everyone else. "Hey, Maya. Buddy, pal!" Shawn exclaimed as he put his arm around his daughter. Maya flinched but didn't back out. "Hey Shawn.." Maya said throwing her bag on the ground. Maya was doing her best to work through her father issues but it wasn't always easy. After an extremely awkward two minutes Maya walked up the two flights of stairs to her bedroom. She walked into her.. artistically decorated room. She had vinyls on the walls murals randomly under the vinyls along with a recording studio Shawn made for her.

Maya walked over, put on her headphones and turned on her mic. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. "It's been a long day without you my friend.." She continued to sing. She hadn't notice Frankie walk in. "Damn who knew.." Frankie filled in for Wiz Khalifa. They were both singing/ rapping about the same person. They both put in soul and emotion. The private performance was outstanding. "When I see you again.." Both Frankie and Maya stopped. My quickly wiped a tear away from her eye and Frankie pulled her into a huge hug.

"She was all of our friends, but I'd never seen you closer with anyone else but her." Frankie as he rested his chin on Maya's head. "But now we're all in a new school. A fresh start where people don't see us as victims." Frankie slowly left the room leaving Maya standing there.

She was finally brought back from a world in her head when her phone buzzed. She walked over to her bead and picked it up.

UNKNOWN: Hey we need to practice some more.

MAYA: Who is this?

UNKNOWN: Lucas, Riley gave me your number.

MAYA: How does Riley have my number?

LUCAS: I think your sister gave it to her.

MAYA: Of course she did. We already practiced today.

LUCAS: Come on we need to be perfect.. or maybe I just wanna hang out.

MAYA: UGH, where will we even go?

LUCAS: School is open until 9. Be there in an hour.

Maya sighed and grabbed her jacket. "Mom can I borrow Elizabeth?!" Maya called down the stairs. No Elizabeth is not an eleventh child..Well Katy acts like she is. Elizabeth is Katy's old car. She's had her for years. Maya's pretty sure Katy would hand over one of her actual kids before she'd hand over Elizabeth. Elizabeth was a very old car. It was falling a part on the inside. It smelled horrible and It took five tries to get it to start. Though Maya loves the car almost as much as her mother does. When Maya's was younger and she couldn't sleep, Katy would take her for a drive in that old car. Maya's dad was drunk and on a rampage again? Katy would take Maya in the car.

The car was like Maya's Safe Haven. "If you get a scratch on her Maya Penelope Hart!" Katy shouted back. "Like you'd notice she's already covered in them!" Maya shouted while searching for the car keys. It took Maya a while to find the keys in all of the cluttered drawers that were around but she did find them.

Four tries. It took Maya four tries to get Elizabeth to start. Maya ran her hand on the dusty dashboard. She smiled and drove out of the old Victorian estate Maya called home. The drive was a little bumpy. Shawn won't let the two youngest kids in Elizabeth. He's afraid it will fall a part.

Maya arrived at the school earlier than she meant to. She walked up to the school and opened the doors.

"You're early." Maya jumped and turned around to see Lucas standing directly behind her. He took Maya by the hand and lead her into the auditorium. He dragged her onto the huge stage. Maya had never seen an auditorium like this before. It looked like a broadway theatre. Maya turned and looked out into the seats. She blown away. Maya wasn't used to expensive things and this theatre looked like it cost millions on its own.

"Woah." Maya was taken by such surprise. Lucas smiled behind her. "This was designed by my father. The entire school was infact." Lucas said shoving his hands in his pockets. "You're father's an arcitect?" Maya asked turning to face him. "He was."

"So how do you have to live up to your fathers expectations when he was arcitect and you are a dancer and singer?" Maya asked confused. Lucas looked down at his feet and laughed. "Michealangelo's School of Performing Arts. It's only been called this for like ten years." Lucas seemed a little weird talking the school and Maya noticed. "what was it called before that?" Maya asked looking around the stage. " The Friar's Acadamy of Performing Arts." Lucas walked to the front of the stage. "My dad runs this place."

Maya turned around suddenly. "Your dad? YOU are James Friar's son?" Maya was blown away. "Why are you so surprised?" Lucas took slight offence. "I mean you are snobby and a little naracisstic but I dunno I assumed a bilionare's son would be like you, but ten times worse." Maya said taking a slight dig at Lucas. Lucas just laughed.

"How exactly is this practicing?" Maya asked as she sat down dangling her feet off the edge of the stage. "Did I say practice? I meant prepare. We can get up on stage and preform all we like but we can't fake chemistry, so we have to make it." Lucas said sitting down beside her.'Maya turned and smiledat him. Maybe he wasn't so bad, like she had previously thought.

"Okay, now you tell me abit about yourself." Lucas said playfully punching Maya's arm. Maya laughed. "Well, I have nine siblings, seven of which go to school here and the others are too young. Three of my siblings are adopted four are from Shawn's previous marriage and the last two are My mom and Shawn's kids." Lucas turned to look at her.

"Who's Shawn? your stepdad?" Lucas asked and Maya nodded. "So then, what about your other dad?" Maya's face fell. It wasn't really a topic she spoke about. "Well, eh. He was an alcoholic. He's sober now. My mom and I left before he was sober. I was about five. A year later my mom began dating Shawn. Shawn adopted me and my dad has been trying to fight for custody for the last four or five years." Maya faked a smile and turned to Lucas.

"So you're parents are in a custody battle?" Lucas clearly didn't notice Maya was uncomfortable so he pushed for more information. "Not exactly. My dad's only been sober six years. The chances are very unlikely that he'd even win. He doesn't have enough money for a good lawyer so really there is nothing he can do." Maya looked at her feet.

"Do you want to see him?" Lucas asked. "Can we not talk about him. Please." Maya pleaded. Lucas nodded. Lucas stood up and walked to the middle of the stage. He turned to face an imaginary audience. "Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you..!" Lucas sang Closer by the chainsmokers as loud as he could. It was something about how Lucas would randomly burst into song that Maya loved. She watched him and smiled. "We ain't ever getting older.." Lucas fell silent and looked at Maya. He raised an eyebrow. "You. Look as good as the day I met you, I forget just why I left you.." Maya stood up and sang along. They preformed as if there was actually an audience watching them.

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