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taehyung wasn't conscious enough to determine his opinion on daisies.

kim taehyung was twenty-four when he passed away at three am, woken up by a coughing fit that was enough to stop the oxygen flow from reaching his brain and keeping him, well, alive, windpipe too clogged up with their petals.

his pale, lifeless body was found surrounded by crimson two days later, when jeongguk, his ex-husband, passed by their house to check on his health. the latter desperately called an ambulance, the police, yoongi, anything that would bring him an ounce of comfort because he couldn't help but blame himself.

"hanahaki byou", the nurse explained, accent lacing the japanese words, "you didn't know?"

"he– he hid it very well", jeongguk said between sobs, looking up at her with red, puffy eyes, "too well, i don't even know if he went to see a doctor, we– we barely talked, i ca– can't believe i let this happen–"

she placed a glove clad hand on his shoulder, "even if he did, the medical confidentiality wouldn't allow them to tell you, especially in cases induced by one-sided love."

"he was dying, they should've let me know, i am– was his spouse", his voice was broken and high pitched and desperate, too distressed to notice how yoongi squinted at his mishap.

"i'm sorry for your loss", it was robotic, her tone. practiced for moments like these. "it said in taehyung's will that he wanted to be cremated, which will be done in five days tops."

jeongguk immediately got up on his feet, surprised and with legs a little unsteady, "there's a will?"

"sort of, just a letter in which he signed under, here", she pulled out a piece of paper from her lab coat's pocket, hands it to him.

i leave all of my belongings to jeon-kim jeongguk and min yoongi, including my house, car and the money i saved under my mattress.

(a few crossed out words here and there, scribbles his too hyper of a mind left on the corners of the crumpled page. some things would never change.)

he managed to hold back his tears until he read over the last few words, tears rolling down his cheeks the next time he did as much as blink.

don't let my daisies die

i love you

jeongguk requested to keep the letter, and he did.

one week later, jeongguk and yoongi moved to taehyung's house. said they couldn't just sell it, that it carried way too many memories to be traded for a few million won.

two weeks later, yoongi spotted jeongguk crying by taehyung's withering garden. 

three weeks later, yoongi started coughing out daisy petals, red as jeongguk's favorite sweater. 

yoongi saw it coming, and jeongguk didn't.

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