Project HighWire

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Experiment HighWire was created by the government to see if the abnormal could do the tasks that no normal human could endure. Such as disarming a bomb without being detected with an ability that aloud you to go poof in midair, or go into a building full of toxic gass and radiation because one of us can literary turn into steel. Yeah, we're 'throw aways' in other words if this whole thing doesn't work. But I should explain how we got here. Otherwise you may get lost in our daily lives.

I tapped the steel plate carrying my meal mindlessly that morning, almost like a bad habit I haven't broken yet. And probably never will. But the food looked just as bad as everyone here. Just mashed looking goo that tasted horrible and has no personality. Gross. But supposedly it's good for us, and normally anything good for us gets us tested on. So I can see why others are not eating it, well except a few.

There are those few who normally do what they need to be alive plus they have guards behind them so if they didn't eat this gunk those guys would force it down their throats like nothing or maybe they enjoy doing that, who would care?

I hate it, to be honest, the day before it happened to a six year old with red hair and loads of tinh freckles, experiment 1004, and she gagged on the food so badly she needed to be admitted to the medics. Turns out she's allergic to something in the food. So that was an eventful evening. Everyone talked about it then but today? Everyone is as quiet as a bag of cement. Which isn't a good sign what so ever. Normally meant something was gonna happen.

Oh, sorry, I should tell you who I am. I'm experiment 0916 with only two cuffs. Now I should explain that. Because if I don't who will?

First off, we aren't given names, we're given numbers that way these labcoats find nothing to be sorry about. In other words, so their humanity isn't bruised or taken away. Our cuffs on the other hand hand hold back our abilities, so we can't do damage or hurt the labcoats. Each of us are supplied with special cuffs, all because we were exposed to something that could've killed us but didn't do so, and some of us need one while others need five. It all varies on what we can do and how long we've been exposed for. Personally I think two cuffs are enough for me, I don't even try to use my abilities so I don't really know if I'm strong or just too weak to do anything. Maybe I'm strong enough to break out of here and live a life I want.

I refused trying to use them when we are tested on. And that gets me into trouble quite often.

Each cuff are colored tan, one on each wrist. There are few here with four but one person in particular has five. He is experiment 0423, one on each of his wrist, one on each of his ankles, and one around his neck. He doesn't seem to mind it, his long raven black hair keeps it from being noticed too much.

Most of us never get hair cuts, I fall into that category with my long blonde almost white hair, so they normally reach down to our lower back and sometimes to our knees and everyone wears the same uniform with our numbers imprinted on it.

Pretty standard and simple as everything goes. There are about, as far to my knowledge, five groups of us scattered around in different facilities. And just last year we met a small group of four who were for exchange with people in our group with the same numbers. No one is aloud do have the same digits. Not ever.

The exchange kids are 1211 a taller and a brute looking male with dark skin and light blue eyes (most likely to have happened while we were exposed it's like a mark that said I'm not normal. We all have them). His uniform used to be green while ours is a tan color. He switched with a smaller Russian looking girl with the same digits. 1211 is like a huge teddy bear, he mostly keeps to himself but has a soft spot for the younger kids.

Then theres 1101 who is a leaner version of 1211 without the blue eyes since his are a deep brown but snarkier and more aggressive than the guy. His mark just so happens to be his ear, it looks like a mangled mess with odd colors. His uniform color used to be white. He switched with a boy my age who probably couldn't hold a pencil.

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