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Amelia blinked slowly, the bright light above her blinding her and leaving her uncomfortable. She tried to recall what occurred, but can't remember anything after meeting her supposed brother. Vaguely she can remember a sharp pain, and the uneasy feeling before everything is just gone. Although that's nothing new for her lately. As she blinked to clear her vision, a hospital room came to view. The white surroundings made her uncomfortable and sick to her stomach.

The redhead pushed herself up slowly, eyes locking on an unfamiliar figure standing at the foot of the bed. The dark haired male was scanning a clipboard, scribbling random things into it every few seconds. When the sheets rustled, his attention snapped to her, surprise crossing his features as he set the clipboard down. "You're awake."

"Where am I?"Amelia questioned, green eyes surveying the room. "Who are you?"

"My name is Bruce Banner," he introduced, stepping forward with a hand out stretched. "I'm your personal appointed doctor thanks to your brother." She flinched at that, seeming to retreat into herself uncomfortably. "You are also at the Avengers Tower in New York."

The redhead shook her head uneasy, green eyes darting around the room until they zeroed in on the door across from the bed. She wasn't sure where the door led, but she hoped it led out of this room and eventually out of this tower. She wanted nothing more than to return to the compound with Pietro and Wanda at her sides. The twins were her comfort and safe place, when nothing felt right they made it feel right.

"You are safe here Amelia," Bruce Banner continued, stepping in front of the girls path to the door. "They can't experiment on you anymore."

Her eyes snapped to his, confused once again, "experiment?" Vaguely, she could remember talk of experiments and volunteering.

She watched him shake his head, reaching into his pocket for a single moment before grabbing her clipboard once again. "From what we've gathered after running a few test, you've been experimented on until you gained abilities. We dont know what exactly these abilities are yet, but we can tell from your blood that you have abilities."

Amelia stayed silent, mind tumbling over all the possibilities, she wondered if the ear shattering scream she could produce was considered an ability. She couldn't remember if she had always been able to scream like that. And if she had always been able to, what did that mean her ability was? Did that mean there was something else there, something completely undiscovered that was her ability?

She jumped as the door behind Banner flew open, smacking against the white wall next to it. In walked the man from earlier, who had once been wearing a red and yellow contraption. Seeing him in regular clothes, the redhead felt that he looked somewhat familiar, like a distant memory that simply couldn't be reached. "How's she doing?"he questioned, brown eyes shifting from her to the doctor in the room.

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