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Jane's POV

I remember the day this started. I was five. I was in pain but not as much as today. "YOU WORTHLESS GIRL!" My so called dad punched me in the stomach. I was now 17. I can't wait until next year to get out of here. I groan in pain while the tears stream down my face. "D-d-dad p-p-please s-s-stop." "NO! YOU ARE GOING TO GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!" He holds an empty beer bottle above him. I move away just in time when it was about to come in contact with my head.

"YOU IDIOT!"  My mother comes running down the stairs and kicks me in the stomach. "AHHHHHH!" "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE ALIVE!" Once again I dodge the bottles. It shatters on the ground and my dad kicks me in the ribs. I can tell some are broken by the cracks I hear. I groan in pain and clutch my stomach. "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE HERE!" I run upstairs real quick and lock my door. I hear footsteps up the stairs and fists on my door. I grab my pen and journal and start to write. My door gets knocked down to see my furious mom and dad. I throw my journal and pen under the bed before they see it.

"BIG MISTAKE DEAR!" My dad lifts up a beer bottle but this time I'm not fast enough to dodge it. The bottle smashes on my head. I see the faint shape of my parents until everything goes black.

Caleb's POV

My head shakes to the music from the radio. I was on my way to my best friend Jane's house. I was finally going to confess my love to her. Her beautiful brunette hair and perfect smile was to die for. I hear in the distance sirens coming. I pull over and watch the ambulance and cop car go by. I start to drive again. I get a few houses from her house when I see the ambulance and police at her house. I get there and park my car on the side of the road. I run over to her neighbor Mrs. Smith. "What happened?" "I don't know I heard screaming so I called the cops." I watch five police men run inside. A few minutes later they come out with Jane's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parker. The cops hand cuff them and put them in the cop car. One cop goes over to another and says, "A girl is dead in her room." My eyes go wide and run inside the house hearing the cops protests. I ignored them and run to Jane's room. Tears fill my eyes when I see the place. The door is knocked down and blood soaked in to the white carpet and Jane's body limp on the ground. I run over to her and put her in my arms. "Jane please wake up. You're not dead." She stays silent. "JANE! PLEASE! WAKE UP! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU!" I shake hear a little but she still stays silent.

Tears stream down my face and I hug her. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see a doctor looking at me. "I'm sorry. We can't do anything for her now. She's gone." Tears stream down my face and I get up carrying her. I walk out the door and put her body on a gurney. The roll her inside the ambulance. "May I ride with her?" The doctor looks hesitant for a second then nods. I walk inside and take a seat beside her. It was just me and her in the back. The doctors were driving not even listening. "I wish I was able to tell you how much I love you." Tears stream down my face faster.

"I wish I was there to save you. You would still be alive if I was there." I lean down and kiss her cold lips. "I just had to do that once." The rest of the ride was silent only the sound of my sniffles. We get to the hospital and they roll her out and put her in a special room. A doctor comes up to me and asks, "When shall you have the funeral?" "Two days." He nods and leaves. As much as I was sad she was gone. I just wanted her to be in a better place. I leave the hospital and walk four blocks to my car. I get to my car and sigh. I look up at her house that so many memories held. I walk inside and in to her room.

I walk to her room and look where she was left dead. I see a little black edge from under her bed. I bend down confused to see a little black journal and pen. I grab it and it says 'Jane's Journal'. I don't dare open it. I look at the picture that was taken of both of us a year ago. I pick it up and tears come to my eyes again. No. No more crying. Jane would want you to stay strong for her. I grab the picture and journal and walk to my car. I hop in my car and start to drive to my house. "I have two days to mourn over Jane and that's it." I whisper to myself.

I get to my house and walk inside. I hear my mom talking to me but I ignore her. I get to my room and lock it. I put the picture on the side table and lay on my bed. I look at her journal debating on opening it. No. This is her personal thing. I put it in my top drawer and curl up under my covers. I start to daydream of all our memories together. The first time we met. The time I made her laugh. The day I found out I loved her. The day we got kicked out of the movie theater for talking. The time she died. I sigh and curl more in to my covers and fall asleep with the memories flooding my brain.


I love stories that almost make you cry. Yeah this is my story but I almost cried! 'The New Girl and The Bad Boy' is on hold for a while. Sorry for all who liked it! I'm defiantly not deleting it though! So don't worry! Hope you liked the first chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2013 ⏰

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