Chapter 6: "hanging" with styles

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I'm so sorry you guys!!! I haven't had anytime to update. School and sports have kept me so busy. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!



I looked to my left to see harry carrying our now empty plates back into the kitchen. "Harry! Gosh let me help you. It's the least I could do since you let me stay the night and you cooked it too!" I say as I chase after him.

"Don't worry love, I have this all under control. Besides, I can't have my guest do all my dirty work." Harry said softly and walked alway.

"Well fine.. But we are going over to my house and I'm driving so get your stuff styles cause we are about to have some real fun"

With that I walked back into the living room and picked up a little since it was a mess. I folded the blankets and fixed up the couch. I cleaned off the table and organized the movies since Harry was still getting ready. I grabbed my movie and slipped my hoodie back on. I slipped my socks back on and sat on the couch. I slid my phone out of my pocket. I had a couple texts. One from Tara,Zayn and Liam.

From Tara:

How'd you know I was with Liam?! Do you have special powers?! Whatever though. Are you going to be coming home here soon? Cause we really need to clean the house. It's a mess.

To Tara:

THE HOUSE IS A MESS?!?!!! CLEAN IT STUPID!!! Me and Harry are coming vet here in a few min!! Clean the kitchen and the living room! Vacuum. Do whatever you can in 30 min. Just make it look decent. Please. I'll love you forever.

From Zayn:

Hey babe, how's the day with Harry so far? By the way this is Zayn if you didn't save my number. Let me know if you or Harry need anything. xx

To Zayn:

It's going great! Lol. I saved your number from the first text goof. But thank you. Do you and the rest of the boys want to come over and play games with me, Tara and Harry? We'd sure love to have you guys over.

From Liam:

Hello, it's Liam. I was wondering how you and Harry are getting along? If you guys need anything or if you need any advice let me know.


To Liam: well hello Liam. Me and Harry are doing really good. It's going very well. Thank you Liam. I might just have to take you up on that offer sometime. Haha. Hopefully you and the boys can come and hangout with us at mine and Tara's place. We sure would love to have you guys over again. xx

I locked my phone and looked up. Harry still wasn't out so I had a few min. I rested my head on the arm of the couch and looked towards the window. It was so nice out today. But then I realized something... I'm with Harry Styles. THE Harry Styles. A famous singer from the band One Direction. Why me though? This is so crazy.. Yet so amazing.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I saw harry standing in front of me.


"Oh sorry! I was in my own little world there for a second."

"No worries." He said softly.

"Well we should go. I think Tara is waiting for us." I said nervously.

Harry helped me up and we walked to the door. I slipped on my shoes and he opened the door. He's such a gent. I walked to my car and sat down inside. I unlocked the doors and Harry slipped in. As I turned on the car, Little Things was blaring. I turned 50 shades of crimson. I reached for the volume dial. My fingers fumbled with it for a little until I was able to turn it down enough to hear harry laugh.

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