Chapter 5

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                The next time I opened my eyes, I wasn’t at a hospital, or at Jessie’s place.

In fact, I wasn’t entirely sure where I was - or why I was there.

Looking around me nervously, I saw neatly trimmed green trees surrounding a dirt path under my feet, and in the distance I could hear the engines of cars.

So, I was in the middle of a park somewhere, I thought - that was simple enough.

Maybe I was getting used to this... whatever this was.

The thought amused me for a moment, then I moved on - I had to find out why I was here.

I tried moving my feet, hoping I could move; thankfully, I found, it was easy - obviously I was only frozen in whatever that black oblivion had been.

I began to follow the meandering path, looking around for something or someone I knew - for whatever key would show me what to do next, or teleport me on to the next place.

                After a minute or so, I came across an old man walking his dog - even as I stood right in front of him, he didn’t seem to see me - but his Labrador obviously did.

It was bounding up and down on the end of its leash, barking as if it were asking to play.

I thought of petting it, glad to be noticed for once, but its owner was yelling and shouting for the poor creature to calm down, so I quickly left them behind.

Being invisible was strange, I thought to myself as I walked on - in a way, it was exciting to know that you could do anything you wanted, but at the same time, there was no one I could talk to, or ask what was going on.

                No one except Jay, that is.

Why had he been able to see me and no one else?  I mused; but almost instantly another thought held my full attention - maybe Jay could still help me!

But, no, I realised with a sigh.

I had no way to get back to the James’ house - damn it, I thought, if only I were able to get back there as easily as I had vanished!

Then, an idea occurred to me.

I was remembering all the ghost books I used to read, where the spirit just had to concentrate hard enough on a place and they could go there.

Could it possibly work?  Or was it just too ridiculous?

Anyway, I figured, there was only one way to tell, and I had nothing better to do.

                I found a bench by the path, and sat down on it, closing my eyes.

I tried to visualise the James’ house in my mind, concentrating hard, until I almost felt like I could reach out and touch it.

Then, I opened my eyes... and I was still at the park.

“Shit!  It didn’t work!”  I fumed to myself, feeling a little embarrassed that I had even thought it could work in the first place.

As my anger faded to fear, I felt my last dim hopes disappearing, and looked up to the sky.

“I just want to get back to Jessie’s, for god’s sake!”  I yelled to the empty air.

Nothing happened, as I had known it would, so I lowered my eyes to the scene before me.

And found myself standing on the front step of the James’ house.

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