The Phoenix

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A/N: So I'm starting this new book and it's going to be going through a lot of editing as I found an amazing friend who offered to do it. I plan to update it at least, if not more once a week. High school gets busy though and I hope you guys can all understand. Please read and tell your friends to read it as well if you enjoyed it. Like and comment what you think. Love you all! xoxo ViolinWriterGirl (Geeky GossipGirl reference)


      Smoke swirls around me as I take a puff of my cigarette. The cold air blows my hair back and I just tilt my head back loving this feeling of freedom. I don't smoke a lot, but tonight is just a smoking kind of night. I look down as a voice below me is calling out my name. "Being on a roof isn't safe you know!" Dan yells up to me. I just shrug it off as I tap my cigarette off. I take one last puff and I stand up on the roof just to scare him even more. I thow the cigarette down and I smoosh it in the ash area I have up here with the sole of my boots. These boots are not just made for walking. 

     "Do you really think I care Dannyboy?" I ask him with a smirk on my face. I pretend to fall just to see his priceless reaction, but I catch my balance just in time and start laughing. "Why don't you just come up here with me?" I offer as I spin in a slow and steady circle with my arms up feeling as if I was at the top of the world. He shakes his head and stands there staring up at me with a expression on his face of pain. 

     "You've really changed Harrington," he states and I just shrug and say,"We all do at some point."

      I admit, I did change drastically over a short period of time. I think everybody whose life seems to burn down to the ground ends up changing. Some people say I did it for attention, I say I did it because I wanted change. Honestly I just didn't want to be me anymore, it reminds me of my old perfect life. I wanted to be different from what I was. I was the good preppy blonde with a rich dad and mom. 

     Now I am a whole different girl, I have a new state of mind and if people don't like the new me, then they don't need to be in my life anymore. I've made some new friends though, especially ones that can hook me up with some free cigarettes. Connections are so nice to have these days. My change from good to bad really scared some of my old friends, they aren't true friends though if they don't stick with you through thick and thin.

     "Kat, I miss you," Dan says just loud enough for me to barely hear him. "You're just not the same anymore." I turn speechless and all I can do is stand there on the roof looking down at him. He shakes him head and puts his hands in his pockets, it pains me to watch him turn his back to me and walk away. Am I really starting to lose him now too, even after all the shit we've been through?

     I've known Dan since he was six and I was five. He lives two doors down and we would see each other everyday until he started high school. It became uncool to talk to me I think, he says he  got so busy with school and work that he just didn't have any time.

     I guess it's different though this year, since now I'm in high school as well. First day of school I saw him in the hallway and he gave me an apologetic look with a small wave. A couple days after that when we were both taking the trash down our driveways, romantic I know, he walked over to my house. I remember it as if it were yesterday. 

      I grudgingly pull the trash can behind me down the long driveway as I try to keep my sweater closed and around my body. I finally get to the end and I stand it up by the road. I knew I heard someone else doing the same as I, but I did not guess Dan. 

     Dan, the most dreamy guy I have ever seen, lives just two houses down from moi, and we used to be friends.  The one thing that hasn't changed about him are those deep blue eyes, the ones I  once fell for  when I was younger. Don't even get me started on his chocolaty brown hair that is styled to perfection. My eyes travel down, as I take note of his muscles that are showing through his shirt. I stop myself, realizing that I was not just taking a small glance at him, but staring.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2013 ⏰

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