Don't Judge

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Chapter 1

Can't wait for tomorrow I finally get my papers from the gourvermant. So that leaves me two weeks to find a relative that will sign the papers. I have to find someone before my birthday, urg!

** " Hey girl, how you doin'? Magnolia ask's " Nothing, Tod got really mad at me just because I stop him before we had sex again... I say extremely sad. " It's okay Bree your beautiful in anyway and we don't need boys to make us feel bad about ourselves that's what best friends are for right? hahahaha! Magnolia say's to cheir me up. " You always know just exactly what to say that's why I love you so much" I smile and give Magnolia a hug.

"We have to go and tell our parents that we are getting mantapated. I can't keep living with my adoptaded parents" I say looking down to my feet

Magnolia grabs me by the hand and pulls me to the couch and say's " can you please tell me the full story what happened that night with your parents you never wanted to tell me."

I sigh "Okay, it was 11 years ago I was 5 years old. I was in the car with my parents we were coming back from a resterant it was family night after this drunk driver" (voice breaking). I stop... " What's wrong?!" Magnolia ask's me "I can't continue it hurts to much" I start crying

I breathe in and out, I suck it up and continue. " Now where was I oh yeah so the drunk drivers truned around on the wrong lane, the one we were on. My mom screamed than my dad crashed into the side of the street the drunk drivers didn't even care at lease to call the ambulance someone else did. The next thing I knew is that I had blood everywhere the ambulance showed up having my dad in a bag then my mom died later in the hostipal they told me that I had to go to foster care, I still remember that day how I felt. It was the worst of my life and still is, and it will forever them worst."

Magnolia take's me in her arms and tell's me " we are going though this, I love you. I fell asleep in her arms after she fell asleep too, on her couch. Until I fell off, I just slept on the floor for the rest of the night.

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