Chapter One-The itch

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It would be A day just like any other. Well not really... If you count your best friend moving in with you a normal day then yes, today was a totally normal day..... Except that it wasn't. Mark was frantically pacing the airport floor waiting for Jack to show up. It had been a very impulsive choice to suddenly move to the Americas but Jack had his mind set. There was much more YouTube had to offer in L.A. and he would be around all of his friends! Really it was a win/win situation. The only problem was finding a house.

 It was quickly resolved by Mark who practically begged Jack to come and live with him. The house was kinda lonely after Matt and Ryan moved out, and besides that it would make for some time for them to make a few skits together. Now don't get Mark wrong; he did consider Jack very close to his heart but he didn't love him like that (sorry, no septiplier) no, he saw Jack more as a brother or a best friend than anything else. Now that Jack was moving in he was determined to make sure that they would be even closer than from just one visit here and there and a colab once or twice a week or so.

However things were changing. Mark glanced up, his attention was caught by an abandon newspaper lying on a chair, the headline was slightly disturbing and unsettling "DOCTORS BAFFLED BY DISEASE THAT LEAVES THE INFECTED WITH PATCHES OF FUR/SCALES" ah yes, the new, small scale virus that had infected a small town off the cost of Florida with weird, unexplained rashes and cuts on their backs, heads, and around their tailbones but it varied between patients apparently. Now they were seeing fur and scales growing on top of the rashes, specifically around the elbows and down the abdomen. It was almost as if they were changing their species...... but that was ridiculous. Mark brushed this from his thoughts, it wasn't just in the U.S., it was happening everywhere. Now was not the time to worry though, Mark was here to pick up his best friend/soon-to-be-roommate.

"Attention: plane from Ireland is now landing at gate 3" an automatic voice cut through Marks train of thought. He turned his head towards the gate Jack would be coming out of. Watching as the first few passengers left to go look for their luggage. After seven or eight people Mark saw someone of familiarity, a person stepped out of the gate wearing a blue hoodie, faded blue jeans, greenish-grey sneakers, dark thick rimmed glasses, and a grey flat cap, all made complete by the long tuft of green hair poking out from under the cap. Mark immediately went up to go and greet the man he knew as the one and only Jacksepticeye/Jack /Sean, he'd rather call him Jack though.

"Jack!" His voice rang true through the crowd, the Irishman turned suddenly to the source after he had grabbed his bags and started to take off in a sprint towards the American. Before Mark had a chance to stop him, Jack had flung himself onto him causing both to fall over onto the floor. "Did you really miss me that much Jackaboy? I'm flattered." Mark cranked up the sass and Jack just pushed him away "As if! Ye big drama queen!" Laughing as they got up; Mark became aware of a slight tingle on his abs, he just pushed it away though as it was most likely just from laughing too hard. 

Jack sighed, regaining his breath "S'good to see ya Mark, hope yeh have been doing well?" Mark panted a little "Yeah, I've been fine. Man; you are going to love living here! I've already got a room set up for you with some extra padding for your recording corner, Chica is going to be so excited, I'M so  excited! We are just gonna have so much..." Jack tugged at his collar " That's great Mark but can we take this one step at a time? I'm tired from the flight and I still need to unpack all my shit." Mark stepped out of his hyper state to acknowledge his friend, Jack really was more calm when he was in public, he had more of a gentle nature around him and seemed more in tune with others feelings even though he still was easily distracted and excitable. Mark liked this about Jack. "Okay, okay, let's take this slower then, shall we? Let's go home, unpack, get something to eat(maybe), and figure out the rest from there okay?" Jack nodded at the plan set before him and grabbed his bags.

After making their way to the car Mark noticed that the tingling feeling was still there, now it had turned into a small itch near his navel and up to the bottom of his pecs. He decided to worry about that later, he did have to help Jack move in after all. Jack on the other hand was facing a similar case, he didn't realize it at first but then he felt a small itch on his elbow that had spread to halfway up his arm, it had been there for about halfway through the flight, it didn't really bother him so he brushed it off. Both men got in the car and, after a quick stop at a fast food drive-through, were on their way home.

But turning a blind eye to even the smallest of things can have the most uncontrollable results...

Hi readers! I hope you liked the first chaper of  "Normal, no more" I would love for feedback so I can make this story even better! I will be asking for help for what a chapter might be about but in the mean time... 

I wanna know...

What do you guys think will happen? Drama? Romance? SASS?( that's garanteed actually, sassy markimoo is sassy |:3) I'd like to know! Anyway I will see all of you...

IN THE NEXT CHAPTER " Setting up, breaking it down"

Bye! -Breezy

P.s. Kudos to the artist for their drawing up yonder, they good!

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