The Story of Us

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“I used to think one day I’d tell the story of us, how we met and the sparks flew instantly, and people would say they’re the lucky ones.”

My eyes automatically turned as Niccolo walked through the door. I was talking with my seatmate Ella, making myself busy, trying to act careless to avoid excitement. What is wrong with me? My feelings were totally stressed out. I’m Carla Mia Sy, 16 yrs old and now a senior high school student. I tried to take a glance at him and it brough back a rush of memories.

 I spent my whole vacation playing online games, reading books, watching movies etc. just to forget my bitter and sad memories. Niccolo and I were best friends since my freshmen year.He always makes me laugh, helps me on my projects and comforts me when I’m depressed. He’s like a brother to me. I’m ugly and I’m the laughing stock in our classroom, but he’s the first one who will annoy me by messing my hair and the one who will never leave me down. But were not the prince and the princess as were told in the cliché stories because this is not a fairytale. Everything has changed. Last year when he saved me from that accident, I found out that after all these years, I had fallen in love with him because all this time, I’m trying to make myself and the others believe that I’m so in love with my childhood friend, Angelo Cruz. So it is really a hard time for me to hide my true feelings especially when Niccolo confessed that he loves Lianne Arosco, my girl best friend.

The most worst part here is that when were confronted by our friends.

“Is that a joke? Carla and I were best friends, and I like it better this way. Right Cars?” he smiled at me.

“Of course! I’ll be the most supportive human on earth for you. You and Lianne are just the thing.” I felt pain bubbled up inside me. So after that, I did my best inforgetting him.

A big and rotting voice startled me. “Ms Sy? Day dreaming again!?” my teacher glared.

“Haha, are you alright?” Ella teased. I pulled my thoughts away from me.

“HA, of course.”

I sense that Niccolo’s looking at me because were just 1 meter away from each other. Slowly I gaze at his direction.


He flashed me a cute wide smile that made me to quickly took my sight out of him. I’m not rude and I’m not angry. I’m just trying my best not to have any interaction with him except for the school work of course.

After almost 5 weeks, I got busy with paper works. I’m all alone at the table, waiting for my friends.

 “Geez, I can’t believe that senior year’s going to be so hard!” I moaned as I continuously muddle my hair. I was so tired and I’m ready to collapse at any moment when I heard footsteps at my back.

“BOO!” I turned around and I’m surprised, It was Niccolo. I’m not prepared for this. As usual, he keeps on messing my hair.

“Hey. It’s been a while Carla.” He said while pinching my face.

 “Aww! It hurts!” I removed his hands.

“It’s your fault; I’m starting to think that you’re avoiding me already.” He turned his back at me.

I knew this would happen. Niccolo is a very likeable person. Many times, I even wondered if he gets angry becase he never fights me.

“Oh? No. I was just busy. Sorry.” I know that that’s the lamest excuse since he's my best friend after all.

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