Chapter one

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Movement followed in the destroyed rocky cavern.

A red head which was no longer a puppet but a human who flinched in pain because of his new body.

The blood just started to circulate which made him fall on the ground again.

"P....pathetic kunoichi."

He lied still on the rocky ground till the pain went away.

After sometime he was able to move shortly.

He managed to get out of the cavern.

His legs were now used to walking so he began to walk a little faster.

A grumbling feeling formed in His stomach.

'What now?'

Realization hit him. He was constantly hungry.

He needed food and good clothing.

All of this was the fault of that little pink haired brat.

Oh how he wanted to torture and kill the living daylights out of her.

But now he had to reach konoha and really fast.


Sakura Haruno was in her room , preparing for her day in the hospital.

She was extremely intelligent and no doctor was able to Make advancements besides her.

She even surpassed the godaime Hokage , Tsunadae Senju.

After tying her headband in her hair she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

She had quite matured lately...

The pinkette remembered her days as a Genin, Chuunin and now Jonin.

They were quite memorable times full of experiences as a Shinobi.

She hurried outside towards the hospital.

She had some patients to take care of, perhaps maybe some new ones.


He ran and ran.

He didn't wanted to realize that he was dangerously getting low on Chakra , although his new system was finding problems to even produce it.

Hr panted hardly and continued to run.

He was near, just a little more steps.

Finally , he had reached konohagakure, the village hidden in the leaves.

He will be able to get his revenge on the kunoichi just she wait!!!

Standing in front if the gates he took a deep breath and fell on floor.

He fainted.

The gate anbu guards quickly caught him.

Unfortunately none of the leaf peers knew about the real appearance of Sasori of the Red sand besides Sakura.

One of the guards reported Sasori to Tsunade.

The Hokage ordered full check up on the red head to see any signs of identity.

But they finded a new problem.

Sasori was heavily poisoned.


Tsunade shouted at the medics

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