Chapter 4

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[Emily's POV]

Micheal just asked me to talk outside real quick, Weird Right?
Well alright I guess so.

Emily:I guess so

Luke:By the way your now part of this weird group of friends!!


Calum:So you in hottie?


Ashton: don't worry Calum has his eye on someone a little different then you hot but doesn't have tits and has a dick


Calum:Dude!!! What the hell!!

Ashton just laughed him off and wrapped his arms protectively around the tall blonde boy and Luke Blushed like a lot

Emily:So Michael about that talk

Micheal:Oh! Right

he says ripping his gaze off of my arms and then practically drags me out of the library

Micheal:Why? What drove you to this?

He asks lifting my sleeves slightly while he traces the scars and very carefully touches the really new ones while I whimper in pain a little

Emily: Just bad stuff I guess

I managed to choke out before I started to cry.
He pulls me into his arms I feel protected I feel safe and then I realize I'm falling for him and I'm falling hard and fast.

Emily:If I tell you, You can't tell anyone especially the boys.

Micheal:I swear I won't tell a single soul.

Emily: Well here it goes,

I breathe deeply and begin speaking again

Emily:My father died when I was ten and my mother decided instead of finding someone else she would...use me so she would force me to wear a strap-on and I would have to fuck her till she came twice and if I didn't I don't get dinner and it still happens just not as often but I keep going back to that day the day I lost everything, everyone that loved me now all I have is my mother that beats me molestes me and crushes all my hopes dreams everything is gone so I never saw the bad thing about cutting open my body I just needed some type of feeling anything at all I just

Micheal then began kissing each cut scar along my arms and he asked wear else they where and I pointed not having the strength to speak so I pointed to my stomach and thighs and he looks at me asking my permission and I grant it by nodding he slowly lifts my shirt stopping where he knows they end and I'm practically topless and he kisses each scar and cut and I whimper slightly cause it burns and stings when his soft lips touch each new cut and then he just kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear. "please stop I can't see you in pain I know we only met today but I can already tell you're gonna make me fall and I'm gonna fall hard and it looks Like I already am." and he kisses my neck as he spots another scar from my suicide attempt..

I just wrap my arms around him and say one thing


Oh crap guys what do you think she said hmm?? Oh wait I know and you don't* eviley laughs* okay My lovely fruit loops here is Chapter 4 and there is a picture up top of the boys and this is when I bid you a good day and good bye. *bows*

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