F*ck Fifth Harmony

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The black haired girl rolled her eyes for what felt like the hundredth time that day and slunk back across the half-empty lobby to her uncle. "God, what now?" She groaned and ran her hand through her hair as she glared back at him.

"Hey, enough of the attitude please, I told you to take the sheets down to the laundry an hour ago. Get on it," he ordered pointing to the staff doors.

"Ughh, I haven't even had my break yet," Lauren complained, furrowing her eyebrows in frustration.

He started walking away to the front desk and yelled back without turning around, "NOW, Lauren." The younger girl sighed dramatically and plugged her headphones back in, turning the volume up to the max before trudging through the doors and locating the overflowing trolley of dirty bed sheets.

She made her way back up from the dingy basement, mumbling and cursing to herself about faulty machines when she was startled by her headphones being suddenly yanked out of her ears. "What the fu-"

"Hey you, where've you been? I haven't seen you all day," a flirtatious voice sounded.

"Oh, uh, hey Alexa... yeah I've been doing loads of jobs... uncle's got me as his bitch, y'know," she gave a nervous chuckle and fiddled with her hair, taking a step back to increase the distance between the two. The brunette shuffled forward reaching out and grabbing a hold of Lauren's zipper, zipping it up and down playfully. Lauren grew uncomfortable extremely quickly. Alexa was gorgeous but she was so full on and Lauren was not looking for that kinda girl at all. Heck, she wasn't looking for anyone. 

"So I was thinking, how about we go get some dinner tonight? You could do with a break from all this working..." Alexa smiled suggestively and looked deep into Lauren's sparkling green eyes. Lauren coughed to regain her composure and shuffled, trying to reestablish her bubble.

"Umm, I can't, I'm busy tonight," she shrugged and scratched at her arm nervously, not wanting to deal with this awkward situation any longer.

"That's fine, we can go tomorrow instead, I'm sure we both need a bit of fun," she smirked and stroked Lauren's arm lightly, whilst the breath caught in the back of Lauren's throat.

"Hey Lex! Sorry to interrupt this cosy convo over here but I need to borrow Lauren," Lucy had been watching the awkward interaction with amusement from across the floor, but after seeing Alexa fondle her best friend, she decided to take pity on her. Lauren breathed out a sigh of relief; the brunette on the other hand, was giving Lucy a menacing glare as she watched her drag her prey away.

Lauren grinned up at her friend from the floor as she slid her back down the wall in one of the corridors, "have I ever told you I love you?"

"Ew, I saved your ass, don't get all mushy on me," Lucy grimaced and swiped at Lauren's head playfully as she sat and leaned against the wall opposite. Lauren took her phone out of her back pocket and started mindlessly scrolling through her Twitter, finding nothing of interest yet again.

"Yeah, well still, thanks for saving my hot, irresistible ass," she winked at her friend, receiving an eye roll in return.

"Well, seeing as I did you a favour... you owe me now bitch."

"I knew this was too good to be true," Lauren pushed Lucy's waggling finger out of her face and crossed her arms over her chest, "what horrible, painstaking favour are you going to ask of me then?"

Lucy scoffed, "it's really not that bad, Lo. In fact, I actually think you're getting off lightly."

"Yeah right, tell me then," she said impatiently.

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