Hack Prank

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Sal: hey. Anyone want to come over to my place tonight? I can order pizza.

Joe: I'm good. I have to watch milana. Bessy is having a girls night out.

Q: well you can bring her over, can't you?

Joe: I would but there's a rumor on the street that some guy in a white car is riding around the block. Creepy. Ya know?

Sal: I haven't heard anything about that. We live 2 blocks apart.

Q: maybe it's just a rumor. Has there been any kidnappings?

*Murr hacked into Sal's Facebook and posted:

I'm in a movie theatre alone. I can't believe I'm sitting on a seat that has someone's butt sweat all over it. Disgusting. *

Joe: No. Not that I heard of.

Q: I guess it's nothing. Just come on over.

*murr joins in on the group chat*

Murr: hey guys. What's up.

Sal: I'm ordering pizza if you want to come over James.

Murr: sure.

Q: Sal..are you at home?
*he sees the post on his facebook*

Sal: yeah i am. I'm seeing if you all are coming. Why?

Joe: alright. I'm going.

Murr: what's going on?

Q: I see your post that you posted on Facebook. Are you at the theatre?

Murr: *silently giggles watching the responses*

Sal: I didn't post anything. Hang on. I'll check.

*5 minutes later...*

Sal: OMG! I got hacked!! I'm changing my password. This is insane.

Q: dang. Who was it? Do you know?

Joe: almost there. Traffic is slow today. #trafficcam

Murr: I wonder who it could be.

Sal: I don't know!! I'm speechless. If I do, I'm gonna put my foot up his or her a**!

Q: James...why do I have a feeling you did this?

Murr: what? Me?!? Never.

Sal: James. You know it's obvious when you lie in texting.

Joe: alright I'm here sal. Going in. Milana is screaming up a storm in hear. Lol

Murr: it wasn't me!

Sal: I'm going to find you and when I do, I'm gonna turn your face into an actual ferret! Why would you do that? Even though its something I would say, still! You bastard!

Murr: *giggles* 😂😘

Q: you're a dick, James.

Sal: I'll give you something to kiss. My ass!

*Joe walks in with Milana* hey sal. *he sits down with her, chilling in the couch as he took off his shoes*

*sal looks at joe and tells him James hacked into his Facebook*

Joe: James. You better run ferret.

Murr left the group chat...

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