together forever chapter 5

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After I said those words I fell silent for a few seconds then Vylad said "I'm so (yawns) tired" I laughed at him and said "I know right" we layed there with our faces in the pillows and then Vylad fell on the floor and and that made a loud thud I quickly looked at him and said "ARE  YOU ALRIGHT" he said this happened all the time and said he needed a nicer bed that don't kick him off as soon as he said that Garroth slammed the door open and asked if everyone's alright we both said yes and he walked away saying "I'm making breakfast if your hungry" Vylad whispered in my ear as I was giggling and he said "was it just me that noticed that Garroth isn't wearing any pant and has no shirt on at least he got boxers on" as he said that Garroth quickly said "I HEARD THAT " we started laughing and we went down stairs to giant pancakes and all had design's Vylad's pancake was a heart Zane's was a dead guy and Laurence's was a a ribbon that said LaurancexGarroth and mine was a arrow through a heart and the whole time Garroth was giving me the death stare anyway me and Vylad got ready and walked out the door and went to a pawn shop and I saw a lot of stuff and just then I thought to myself I have to give a gift to Vylad that say will you date me and he will have to circle yes no or maybe and I decided to get him a guitar with a medium sized bear he will like that


We arrive at a pawn shop and we split up to different sections of the store and I want to ask out Dante so I gat him a necklace that says Vylad and I get me one that says Dante and there's all sorts of names on these necklaces but the Vylad necklace has love symbols all over it like doves roses hearts and nothing else has anything like this I see Dante looking at guitars I've always wanted a guitar oh well I will get it next time any way we check out at different desks and we leave the shop and when we leave he wouldn't let me see what he got neither did I let him see what I got but he was writing something on a card and the card was for a girlfriend or boyfriend I was confused and then I thought he probably still likes Nicole and I felt sad inside but I didn't know for sure if he is writing to Nicole because when he finished writing he put it in his bag and looked at Nicole's shop but he didn't bother going in I was puzzled but later that night he was getting ready for bed and he left me the card that he was writing while we were walking it said To:Vylad from:Dante open when you see this so he was taking a shower and I slowly opened it and when I looked at it I started blushing so hard it read the love of my life will you be my boyfriend I circled Yes and wrote I got you something when I was done Dante came in the room and sat next to me I gave him the card and I put the necklace in it that said Vylad he opened it and as soon as he saw the necklace he put it on and he read the yes and the other thing I wrote and all of a sudden I look at him and out of know where he Kisses me Garroth walks in and say "what with all the commotion wait a minute" I say quickly it isn't what it looks like well it is but ahhhh (Dante gives Garroth the card) and Garroth looks at Dante what was the something else Dante holds up the necklace I gave him Garroth screams CUTE

Sorry guys for not posting for a long time I have been busy with school and the only free time I have is night and aware to you I'm about to pass out geez well I know I will try and get the next chapter out soon

Word count 730


A Love Story Vyladxdante=vylanteWhere stories live. Discover now