♕ Chapter Sixteen ♕ - Prince Charming or A Dark Knight?

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Riley's POV.

          I took a deep breath before opening the door and walking inside.

There weren't many people, a few sitting spread around the café.

Mom was at work and Katy had to take the first shift. Not that she ever leaves this place.

Topanga's was a place my mom got after Mrs. Sovolski died a few years ago. She loved mom and saw her as one of her own.

I search the place for a brunette headed boy with a big smile. My eyes dart around the room until they land on him.

He was sitting by the sofas near the door, waiting.

I walk up to the seat nex next tp him and smile. "Hi."

He looks up, meeting my eyes with his confused ones. When he realises that it was me, he smiles.

"Hey." He pats the seat next to him. "Please, take a seat."

I sit down and smile at him. I didn't say anything since I didn't know what to say. Was this a date like Maya had assumed it to be? Was the kiss stopping me from thinking of it as a date?

Katy walks up to us, holding two smoothies in her hands and a smile was on her face. "Hey, kids!" She puts the smoothies on the small coffee table in front of us and looks at us. Her expression told me that Maya had told her about this meet up.

"I won't bother you two." She steps backwards. "You just.." She points her finger in between us. "..get to know each other." She winks and turns around.

I felt the heat rising up to my cheeks and I closed my eyes, mentally hitting Maya, hoping she will feel the pain.

Charlie chuckled and turns to me. "Well, I guess we could do that."

I look down at my hands, fiddling with my fingers. "Yeah, I guess."

Why are you being so shy, Riley? Why couldn't you be as fearless as your parents?

"So, tell me about yourself, Riley."

I look up and catch him staring at me, a warm smile plastered on his face. It looked welcoming.

I smile. "I'm Riley Matthews, I've spend my whole life in Greenwich. I have a little brother named Auggie. My mom, Topanga and my dad Cory Matthews."

He nods slowly and makes a clicking noise with his tongue. "That's great but, I want to know more about you. Your life, your friends, your favorite thing to do outside of school."

I furrow my brows. "My best friends are Maya and Farkle. They are the most precious people in my life, I love them a lot. I don't go through drama, so I don't have that much interesting things in my life. I love to read and write, in school and outside of school."

"You write?"

I nod.

"What do you like to write about?" He asks, sounding interested.

I felt a small smile creeping up. "I like writing poetry."


I nod. "Mhm. About feelings. Deep feelings. About love, about happiness. I love writing about the moments in life you wouldn't want to forget. Moments that changed you."

"Like, your first kiss?"

"This is torment." He crashes his lips against mine.

I shake my head, pushing away the memory.

"Are you alright?" He puts his hand above mine and I felt..nothing.

"Yeah," I shake my head and let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I'm fine."

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