Chapter 17- The Sight

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Niall's P.O.V

Thank God she's finally asleep. I've had this stupid ice pack on my eye all day. I move her hand off my chest. How the heck do I get rid of a black eye? Lou Teasdale once put makeup around a bruise on my arm once. I need to find makeup. Wouldn't it be rude to just start digging through her draws? Well I'm going to propose to her soon anyways. We will probably living here because I share my house with Liam and Zayn.

I see a pretty box sitting on her dresser. I look through and find a nude color makeup. I take it to the bathroom and put it on my eye. It covers up pretty well.

***Don't need makeup to cover up! Being the way that you are is enough! Lol sorry I just had to do that!***

I can barely see the black eye anymore. I walk into her room. It's only been about three hours since her Dad punched me so it's getting close to night time. I need to go home. I haven't seen Liam and Zayn in a while. I tap Nani's shoulder.

"Babe I'm going to go home."

Surprisingly she's wake. "No Niall. Don't leave me here."

"But honey I have to go. The lads are missing me."

"Why don't you move in with me?"

Move in with her?

"Sure honey I will but I do have to go home and get my stuff. You just get some rest. If anything is wrong call me."

"All right."

I kiss her forehead. And start heading back to my house. Or should I say old house.

Allison P.O.V

My job sucked today. Since the boys were off today I had to work for the wanted. Ugh! I hate them so much. I literally went and threw up after work. Mrs. Lee says she won't make that happen again but she changes her mind every second so only God knows what she'll do next. Harry is supposed to pick me up today from work. I called him like a million times and no answer. I'm really getting worried. I decide to call Niall.

"Hello." His Irish accent says.

"Hey Niall. Do you know what happened to Harry? I called him like a

million times and he doesn't answer."

"I don't know darling he's probably at Liam and Zayn's place."

"Well he was supposed to drive me home from work but I really want to see him. Could you drive me over there?"

"Yep. Just heading over there now. Be there in five minutes."

"Thank you Niall." I hang up the phone and wait.

(5 minutes later)

I step into Niall's car. The first thing I notice is his eye.

"Niall what the heck happened?"

"About what?"

"Your eye."

He stares at me. Was I not supposed to ask that?

"You can see it?"

"Yeah. What happened?"

He sighs. "Nani and I told her parents she was pregnant and then her father punched me in the face. I tried to put some makeup on it but I guess it's starting to wear off."

"That's horrible." I gasp. "So you were originally going back to your house to tell the boys?"

"No I came to get some of my stuff. Nani asked me to move in with her."

"Aww! That's great Niall! I'll help you pack."


We pull up in front of the house. There is a mysterious black van in the drive way.

"Um It must be Paul." his voice says shakily.

We then see Louis pulling up his car. Who is that girl in the front seat? She looks young, like 11 or 12. He walks the girl over to us holding her hand. Could Stacy be that small? I don't know I haven't meet her.

"Hey Lou." Niall says. "Who is that girl?"

"This is my new daughter Maddison. I adopted her today and I thought it would be nice for her to make some new friends." He turns to Maddison. "Maddie this is Niall and Allison."

Niall reaches out a hand but she doesn't shake it.

Louis whispers something and Niall's ear. He nods his head.

"Nice to meet you Maddison."

"Ummm nice to meet you too." Her voice sounds like she scared.

"Whose van is that?" Louis asks.

"I think it's Paul's." Niall says.

We all start walking towards the door. Niall opens it and our faces turn to grief. The sight was not pretty. Broken tables and glass. Zayn, Erica, and a random girl on the stairs. Liam and Harry knocked out cold on the ground. And a horrible man standing between Harry and Liam. This man looks angry. Small silent tears stream down my face. Louis and Niall covering their mouths with their hands. Maddison's little scared face turns to anger. But why?

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