September 8th 2016 Thursday

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1st period: Art

Yay!! Hallie did not talk to me today best day ever! She is so mean!! She HATES me!!
But nothing happened in art!

2nd period: social studies
Same old day! Mr. Tyson hates me also! Man I hate my school. He makes so many jokes about me! Ugh! At Least today I could eat gum!

3rd period: choir
I was mad! I was so mad from social studies class this happened.
" are you sitting with me at lunch?"
My best friend Shiann said.
" I just want to be alone today"
I said sadly and angrily at the same time.
" ok.... If you need someone to talk to I'm here"
She said a bit sad.
Dang! I feel so bad!
I asked Trent what kind of shoes he had.
I was looking at his shoes.
I could tell by the way they looked that they were brand name shoes.
" what kind of shoes are those"
" shoes that you can't afford"
He rudely answered me.

I ended up being with a brown haired 7th grader and her 6th grade friend
At lunch. We talked it was pretty good.

4th period:Math
Yuppie! It's math time!
The math teacher did get same old "Brooke hate day" as I like to call it. Every time I asked a question she told me to shhhh! Ugh man I hate math! Here come my most favorite class of all.
Notice my sarcasm.

5th period: PE. UGH!

Samira walked passed my seat and hit me in the forehead to were my head went back. She chased me and hit me with her pladd shirt.
(Me and Isabel)
I found out in PE that In Hallies joys GIANT friend group I'm referred as " that thing" or "Brooke" said in horrible voices.

6th period.

We did an experiment today! It will take like six months to finish! It's an expiring the to see how plants grow. And what fertilizers or soil (I forgot) will make the plant grow faster.

7th period: language arts

PEP RALLY!! 👍🏻🔥❤️💯👊🏻🎉🎉🎉
We only have a pep rally 3 times a year at the most. Last year (my sisters 6th grade year) they only had it once because of behavior.

Authors note:
I hope you liked today's update! It's was allot less drama and stuff in art class. But how would I know right? I'm just living it. Hehe
See you tomorrow!  

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