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Hey guys. As you can tell, I decided to write the story after all. So here goes nothing...


"Ah!" I shriek, falling off my chair. My coffee goes flying out of my hand and splatters on the carpet of my mansion. "Charlie!"

"Ha! Got you!" Charlie chuckles, bending over the table in laughter. He was my best friend- er, well, pretty good friend. I try not use the words best friend anymore, it only brings back memories of her. We were inseparable until I was discovered by an agent in the end of 6th grade. That was about five years ago and I haven't talked to her since then.

I actually met Charlie on the flight to California. Turns out he also used to live in New York but his family had to move due to his mom getting a new job.

"That's not funny! You ruined my carpet! Now I'm going to have to buy a whole new one!" I exclaim, glaring at him.

"Like it would make a big difference." Charlie scoffs. "You have so much money, you could probably use a hundred dollar bill to blow your nose."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever. That's not the point."

"Anyways, any word on the new acting gig?" He asks. I was a singer, but wanted to try new options. I auditioned for this movie called Invisible Sister and now I was just waiting to see if I got the part of Cleo Eastman.

"Not yet." I sigh.

"Honey, I'm home!" I hear a voice call and turn around to find my dad. The two of us lived together in our mansion while my mom stayed in New York for her job. We still video chat almost every day though.

"Oh, hey dad." I say in a bored voice, turning back to Charlie.

"Well that's no way to greet me!" My dad teases, rolling his eyes. His tone then changes into a heavy, serious one. "Riley, we have to talk. Charlie, get out."

"Well then." Charlie says, pretending to take offence. He makes his exit, shutting the door behind him.

My dad slaps a pop magazine on the table, pushing it towards me. I slide it off the table and into my lap, scanning the front cover. The main headline was Riley Matthews and Tyra Bank's Twitter Feud Going INSANE!

I groan when I see the screenshots of my tweets to Tyra, they weren't exactly kind to say the least. But it's not like hers were any better either.

"Riley, this twitter war you're having is going too far!" My dad exclaims.

"She started it!" I shout, sounding like I was five again.

"Do you even hear yourself right now? The Riley I know and love would never be saying these kind of things to other people!" My dad says. "I'm very disappointed in you."

I scoff, he was going to play the disappointed card? Does he really think that was going to make me feel guilty? What does he think I am, a child? I'm 17 for crying out loud, almost 18! Then I'll be a full-fledged adult.

"Riley, I'm serious here." My dad says, noticing my 'I don't give a fuck' attitude. "I swear, if you get into one more fight with Tyra, I'm going to have to severely punish you."

"Sure you are." I say sarcastically.

"Riley, I'm not joking." My dad repeats. "Now go get ready. You have an interview in two hours."

I groan. Interviews were possibly the worst part of being a celebrity. I hate how the press always ask personal questions, some things just need to be left private. But I guess when you're a celebrity, nothing is private. Despite my obvious hatred to interviews, I nonetheless follow my dad's instructions and get ready.

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