The Factory

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"I feel that the whole idea that if something is imperfect and cannot become perfect,that we scrap them, is perfect."

Tuhkurretat Klik. Family ID: 100,876,766,541

        "IT'S NOT LIKE ANYONE IS GOING TO CARE THAT WE'RE GONE!" yelled the leader of the rebellion, while being dragged to the melting machine. When the police got there they threw the leader in first and shut the door to the small room in the corner and turned on the machine. The machine started heating up, the thermostat read the heat. 100, 200, 400, 800, 1,600, and finally 2,000, much higher than needed to melt bronze, but used to make sure the job gets done.

        The machine was soundproof, but the door was glass. The resistance group watched in horror as their leader was melted down. His bronze skin dripping off of the iron skeleton underneath. the rubber hoses bringing oil to all the joints exploded from the heat, and burning oil hit the glass door. It dripped down the door to reveal the iron skeleton, the liquid bronze up to it's ankles. A hatch opened up to drain all of the liquid bronze out of the room. Then they turned up the heat to 3,000 degrees. The iron skeleton started melting. when that was done melting. they opened the hatch again. and nothing was left. The resistance was terrified.

        The police looked at it as if nothing were wrong.

(I am SO sorry for that)

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