Sad News

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Warning : If you are triggered easily by animals dying I suggest you don't read this.
September 7, 2016
I had a bunny named Lulu. She was the cutest thing to me, my sister, my Mom, and Dad. We have all come here today, to have a social media funeral. I have come here to tell you the story of how we lost Lulu.

Me, my sister, and Mom heard there was a "girl" bunny left at a pet store. The rest were all boys. So we got the "girl" (who we had named Puff) and took "her" home to Lulu. Well soon enough we found out that it was a boy, because my Mom saw that "she" went to the bathroom weird. Mom looked at "her"
And saw that "she" had a different "area" than Lulu's so it was a boy. Well, a few days later, we scheduled surgery for Lulu so she wouldn't have babies. She got the surgery.

Lulu hadn't been acting normally like she used to, in the next few weeks, she sag down and slept.

Well a night came, when we were all asleep, 3 dogs and 2 bunnies and all. But when we woke up that morning, when we looked, and we knew

Lulu would never wake up again.

This happened yesterday night, when we were all sleeping, Puff is doing well, he is now getting used to us, but I will always remember Lulu, as the best "little" thing that has ever
happened to me.

Thanks so much for reading this, and if you would like to, could you please pray for me and my family? Especially my Mom, because she keeps blaming Lulu's death on herself, so please pray for her the most. And again thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment I always enjoy talking to people. :)

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