Don't forget where you belong (One direction fanfic)

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Rain. It always rains in London, the sun rarely reveals itself; it's as though when it does, and show it's hapinss and joy... the clouds will block it as the rain starts to pour- like it's reflecting the suns inner pain.

It's late in the evening, the city is lively and the coutry is peaceful. Many should be asleep now, or spending a special family bonding night. Some will play games, some will watch a movie-though some aren't lucky at all.

A two-storied beige coloured house, sat in a row of the similiar looking ones. The garden in front is small, flowers here and there, but the grass seems unkept. The backyard is paved halfway and a smaller garden with less flowers to compliment the house.

A family of five, they've lived in that exact house for ten years now. The oldest is nine and the youngest is only a year younger- Summer and Skye, sisters they are. Living under the same roof with their beloved parents and their uncle.

"Shut up! Where the bloody hell is my drink?!" He yelled whilst gripping on Mrs. Smith's wrist.

Mrs. Smith's wrists had visible bruises on her arm already, her blue eyes what was once full of brightness is now sunken and dull. "I don't know Joe, I don't know..." she whimpered.

Mr. Smith watched in heartache, he can't stand up with his wife, as much as he wants to... he can't. Joe pulls Mrs. Smith by her hair harshly, making a loud shrill escaoe her lips.

"Let her go Joe" He demanded.

Joe smirks, "What did you say?" He clenches his jaw.

"I said drop her." So Joe dropped her like she was worthless, before facing his brother. "After all this time, only noww you decide to speak up little brother." He smirks as he approached Mr. Smith.

Mr. Smith shrunk in the corner where his brother somehow how led him into.. Joe being the bigger brother in both size and age. He stood tall, towering Mr. Smith.

Joe fists clench into a ball, and he swings his right fist hard into his brothers face. The noises of bones cracking were heard and Mr. Smith's jaw seems displaced. But he fought back.

Swing after another, cuts were seen and bruises were revealing. Bones cracking, blood dripping. It was all too much, things getting knocked over, glass shattering was heard, as well as Mrs. Smith;s sobbing snd pleading for an end to come to the battle.

A scream was heard and echoed through the silent street, Mr. Smith limping outside the house as fast as he can, head hung low, blood on his clothes and face. Thinking he can walk away and hope his daughters won't know why; Hoping his wife could fake a great lie, but what they didn't know was, after the scream, Summer and Skye watched their father get abused..., watched their mother cry, watched their father leave in a terrible condition just because of their uncle, they could never forgive their uncle.

Summer dragged her younger sister who wanted to run after her father, back into their room as they hid under their bed. They stayed there in the dark, only light source that they had was from the moon.

Midnight came, none of them could sleep,remembering all of the past events. They got out of bed and quietly snuck out to their mothers room, but they crossed the stairs...

A large figure holding a more petit and fragile one by the throat and off the ground. A knife in his hand. Mutterung. Mumbling. Sobbing. Crying.She's moving struggling to get out of his grip, which tightens every time she trid to escape. This only fueled his urge and temper more. He threatened her to stop. She didnn't, she refused to. He warned her once more. She still didn't listen. A smirk made a way to Joe's face as Mrs. Smith shreiked her last scream...

"MUM NO!" Wails overtaking the house.

(A/N Hey people

New fanfic, mainly Harry and Niall fanfic.

Co-writers! Cried writing this... :'(

Nour and Tasha xx)

Don't forget where you belong (One direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now