The Roadtrip of a Lifetime

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Skye's POV

"I cannot believe this." She squealed. "We are finally graduates!" She exclaims pumping her fist in the air.

"You do know, even if it is the summer season, and you were named after it, does not make you queen of fucking summer- so please get your bloody ass over here and help me put the last few bags into the car." I grunted whilst carrying a heavy box of games, books and things that is to entertain us more than to uplift the journey we are going to attend.

I honestly don't know why we are bringing the box, but then again why not? We don't have plans on coming back to this place anytime soon, especially with that drunk-ass monster still breathing under that roof.

It's finally summer, the sun is up high and the clouds isn't trying to cover it as much. The birds are out, chirping their song-it felt like a start of an award-winning movie. Award or not, this moment and time everything felt nice and warm for once.

Placing the last few bags in the boot, Summer and I hopped into the car. She then slipped on her shades and started the car. Between us two, she's the legalized one to drive, even if I know how.

It's just ten in the morning, and we have already began our road trip. The one promise Summer and I have agreed on and held on to. We have waited for this moment for ages. The moment to get away from the life we despised, from the place that brought back numerous and constant bittersweet nightmares.

"So where to first Summer?" I quipped whilst running my fingers through my light brown hair that is let down into soft beachy-waves.

My shades are also on, the windows are down and the wind blowing through our hair.

"We'll have to go through a couple cities up North to actually begin the European road trip." She smirks.

I've always hated geography, never really good at it, but yet I love traveling. We're drinking some frappuccinos we got from Starbucks. Whilst drinking it, I turned up the radio to the max. We both sang along to the song that is playing, 'Unconditionally' by Katy Perry. She's just amazing. We were so into it, two sisters, best friends you could say; having the time of our life.

That is until the next song played. 'Best Song Ever' by One Direction. Summer hates them, hates their songs and them and everything related to them-she finds them much of a puppet that's trying to hard to be big in the world of industries-so in conclusion being tugged around by endless string connected to the managements power and will. For me, I couldn't careless about them either.

Instantly she changes the station to another, and the song is also playing on it. Sure it fits this situation but still, the song is overplayed. Too overplayed.

We managed to find a station that isn't playing One Direction, (thank God for the miracle), so we kept it as that and belted the lyrics on the top of our lungs.

Cars passed by, signs and houses; buildings and people. I love to observe, call me a stalker or a girl with no life; but I do, and I enjoy it. I find the slightest detail engraved in a bark of a tree so unique, the way leaves are different yet very alike. Analyzing people on the sidewalks, businessman in a hurry to catch that train, young couples hand in hand, the woman walking three dogs since she can't find a men of her own.

"If only mum and dad could see us graduate, hell Uncle Joe didn't even bother coming-"

"Skye, he can't even bother getting off his fat lazy arse of his to just get a drink or pill from the cabinet."

"But still, wouldn't it have been nice to have a blood related relative watch you? Having a blood related relative say, 'yeah I totally saw her graduate, oh my it was the most emotional moment of my life, watching the two young princesses that were prancing in the living room, now finished school and off to their own journey.'"I retorted in the most proper and classy accent I can pull off; making us erupt with laughters.

It was rather hard to pull a strong and much more elegant accent, since Summer and I have an accent that could sometimes be mistaken as Irish, don't know how but they do. We were born and raised here in London, but we are half South African. So with our accent mixed, somehow it comes out like a close Irish accent-but I don't mind, i've always loved Irish accents.

Summer simply shot me a grin whilst swatting me upright the head; my mouth instantly opening and yelling the words, "child abuse!"

"Love you aren't a child no more Skye," she smirks, making me roll my eyes.

"Fine," clearing my throat I then yelled, "Teen abuse!"

SMACK! One more smack to my arm, what my sister has a habit to do, I laughed as roll my eyes and look out ahead. Everything is perfection.


We have been driving for a good three hours now, and i've fallen asleep halfway; I felt terrible for not being able to help her out by having a share of hours driving spread evenly between the two.

Looking at her, she didn't look the least bit tired. If not, she looks like the right opposite, she glanced back at me and smiled, "Nice sleep?"

I simply hummed a 'yes' as a response. Raising my seat back up right, I glanced out at the view, I could see small and quaint houses in a meadow from a far, and little quaint shops, in elegant pastel colors close by. It is definitely a sight to see and never forget. It just makes you feel calm and relaxed.

"I'm hungry." I moan whilst clutching my stomach, it's about lunch time anyways, plus I can never pass down the opportunity to eat. I'm just me that way.

"Skye can you hold on for a bit? A friend told me there is this real nice place to eat, just another couple minutes?" Summer sighs at the same time paying attention to the road, as we now have entered a neighborhood.

Glancing around, it is quite a place to stay in, but I can't help but wonder if we are lost. "Summer," I say looking at her, "Are we lost?"

She shook her head, "Nope, just taking a shortcut according to the GPS, it says we'll be there shortl-"

"Summer watch out." I interjected just as two guys decided to walk past with boxes precariously piled on top of eachother.

The car jerked to a stop, so did we. Both of us groaned. The two guys instantly stopped as the car literally just touched them, only a little, more like a tap. However, we got the most pain out of it all; it literally felt like the seatbelt dug into my skin deep.

The two faces staring at us as we stared back. Well isn't this great, because you'd never guess who we had nearly ran over.

"I wished I didn't press the break." Summer grunted as she drops her head.


Take a random guess on who it is... hmmmm I wonder xD. So that was a Skye chapter, Summer one coming up next, wonder what will happen! :D

Nour and Tasha xx)

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