= Contest Four Results =

164 12 9

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♔ DoctorPickles1087 ♔

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♔ thatonewarriorsfan ♔

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Now, on with the results!

In first place:


In second place:


In third place:



☆ First place:
◇ A spam of votes on one of your books of your choice. [X]
◇ A shoutout on our message board and credit in the summary. [X]
◇ A shoutout in our bio for three days. [X]

☆ Second place:
◇ A spam of votes on one of your books. [✔]
◇ A shoutout in our bio for three days. [✔]

☆ Third place:
◇ A shoutout in our bio for three days. [✔]

= Prizes claimed

*Winners, PM this account to claim your prizes. If you do not respond in two days, your prizes will be terminated.*

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