One woman army

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  Sinbad said,"Don't worry the same thing happened to me but I get to see mor-" I kicked him and my face turned bright red and I said,"I made a bad decision to tell you about Judar." I jumped back up to the window and waved bye.
I woke up and the window seal and the air smelled clear and Hinahoho peered into my face and I stopped my hand a couple of centimeters from his face. I sighed and he asked,"How can you sleep like that?" I looked out the window and said,"I like sleeping here more I don't like taking people's beds." He smiled and said,"Your kind hearted." The world blurred and I saw a whole different scenery than the room I was just in. I saw a place with several magical barriers being corrupted and Aladdin in the middle of the fight between Reim and the magicians. I was shaken out of it and Hinahoho said,"What was that about?" I got up and said,"I need to talk to Sinbad."
    We are able to see part of the city but we weren't close enough to do anything to help. I said,"Hey Sin it won't be long until the Ren Empire gets involved too." I shiver when I sense and Black Rukh start to take form of a Demon. I said,"I-I-What!? That can't be happening it is just like 1000 years ago!" I turned to Sinbad and his face was full of determination. I felt my heart flutter and I mumbled,"Why are you doing this heart stop he only wants to play with you." I felt a shock wave and my body was full of cuts. I dropped to my knees and said,"What is causing this don't tell me Aladdin gave-" I appeared in front of a person with red hair that was a bit shorter than Alibaba. I was hit in the back and I said,"Damn that hurt." I pulled out my sword and swiped to the side and killed half of the Black Jin. The boy behind me said,"Who the hell are you?! I don't think your an ally of mine!" I turned to him with my sword on my shoulder saying,"Well if I'm not an ally then how come I was summoned to protect you." I saw a older and more powerful man towards the horizon and I said,"I take that is your older brother. He seems more cool head and seems to-" I put my hand up catching the Jin's arm. I look at it and said,"That is rude interrupting me! You can die like the others." I purified the Rukh and it caused a chain reaction. I sat on the air and said,"This is really boring."
(Sorry feeling really lazy today)
I smiled when I saw the whole group get back together. Their stories were funny but I felt bored. I saw Sinbad talking the the leader of the Ren empire and I felt the tension so I got up and stood next to him. The leader seemed to know who I was. He said,"Since when did a merciless killer join the seven seas alliance?" Sin responded,"What was that I didn't know about that." I inched away and he grabbed my shoulder and said,"Do you really thing this woman could wipe out a whole empire?" I looked away and poked my fingers together and said,"Sorry Sin I was going to tell you but I didn't know what you would think about it." My expression turned cold and I said,"What was your intention revealing something like that? Are you trying to get me to take your head here and now?" He smiled and said,"Now that is the woman I know. I cold hearted beast. I see that you were seals on your neck, wrists and ankles. Is it to keep you from killing people again?" I smiled and said,"No it is to keep the side that you like under control because I would have-" Sin covered my mouth and I looked up at him and he gave me a face telling me to stop talking. I looked away and he said,"It looks like the lone ferocious wolf has finally been tamed." I glare at him and he smiled a bit and said,"I agree to your terms for now as long as I get my information from the Magi and (y/n) can be used to kill people at my back and call." Sinbad frowned and said,"Your only allowed to use her 3 times no more no less." He agreed and he took my hand leaving. I looked up at him and said,"You seem angry." He stopped and wrapped my arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder. I froze and he said,"I don't want anyone to have you expect for me." I hesitated in shoving him off but I rubbed his back. He pulled back and said,"How do you really feel about me? Do you hate me? Do you think of me as a friend or do you love me?" I looked at him and said,"I don't know. We just met it is not like I met you earlier in our lives." He stated,"Why can't I read you?" I poked his face and said,"Why do ask this so often? Maybe you can read me, but you are just not believing what it means." He scanned my face and said,"Your so confusing." I smiled and giggled a bit and I kissed his cheek and ran away. I blushed heavily and hid on the ship.
I hid in Ja'far's room and he asked,"What happened why aren't you going outside of this room?" I blushed and poked my fingers together and said,"I did something I regret very much." He smiled and said,"So that is why he seemed so happy today."

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