Story of two Stans

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It's crazy to think I started this story before Tale of Two Stans even came out. That seems so long ago now. Anyway, enough reminiscing about the past. Lets Get To Reading!


Stan stepped out of the hole where they portal had been open and stepped forward. Ford smiled and got up before walking towards him. "Stan! Finally After All These Years-" And that's when Stan punched him square in the nose. "OWW!"

"Ouhh..." Both the twins and Soos said. Robbie glanced at them and leaned against the wall.

"That's for getting me sucked into a dimension filled with monsters contently trying to kill me for thirty years." He said sternly.

Ford winced and rubbed his nose. "Ghaa Stan You Haven't Changed A Bit!" He yelled.

Then Stan hugged him. "And that's because I haven't seen you in thirty years." He said alittle more softly.

Ford was quiet for a second before laughing alittle. "Stan... Thank Goodness, you haven't changed abit." He said as his breathing hitched slightly.

"Awww." Both the twins and Soos said getting a chuckle from Robbie.

Stan stepped back and looked at them before looking at Ford. "Who are they?" Stan asked.

"The large chubby man is Soos and the angsty teenager is Robbie. They're both my employes here at the museum." Ford told them.

Soos smiled and waved. "Hi."

Robbie just rolled his eyes. "Gee, thanks Ford."

But Stan was looking elsewhere. "That great and all but... who are the kids?" He whispered.

Ford looked back at them then smiled at his brother. "Stan, this Dipper and Mabel. They're our family."

Stan stared at him for a second. "Wait, we have family?" He asked.

Ford nodded. "Yup, they're Shermy's grand-kids." He answered.

Stan looked up and started to smile. "I can't believe it. I'm a great uncle, In More Ways That One!" He yelled with a grin.

"Grunkle actually." Dipper corrected him.

"Grunkle?" Stan asked.

"It's a condescension of great, and uncle, it's just easier to say. They call me it all the time." Ford told him.

"I'll Take It!" Stan said smiling before walking up to the twin. "Hey kidos." He said going to shake their hands

Dipper smiled and took it. "Hello! My Name Is Dipper Nice To Meet You Wanna See My Birth Mark?" He asked pushing the tuft of hair away from his forehead.

Stan laughed folded his arms. "Talkative, hyper and very excitable. I Like This Kid! He reminds me of myself." He said with a grin, but then his eye's strayed over to Mabel.

Mabel looked down before glancing back up at him and rubbing her arm. "Hi... I'm Mabel." He said quietly.

Stan looked at her and was quiet for a second, noticing that she the journal Ford had been writing. "Hmm, Shy, quiet and nerdy..." Mabel looked down again before Stan ruffled her hair getting her to crack a smiled. "I like This Kid Too." He said grinning. "She reminds me of someone else." He said smirking back at Ford.

Ford chuckled and walked up to them. "I had a feeling you would. They're the reason I was able to get you back."

"Wait what?" Stan asked looking up.

Dipper smiled and put his arm around his sister. "Yeah We Found The Journal Hidden In A Weird Cabinet Under Ground And We Fought A Bunch Of Monsters But We Also Made Friends With Some Monsters We Also Learned About-"

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