Hold On

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For: malandbenforever123

After Diana pushes Mal off, Mal falls to her death and Ben doesn't make it on time.....

Everyone is sad, years later Ben marries Diana

         The End!

Me: Okay publish.......wait no, I'll get killed if this is published....

Hm..... Never mind let me rewrite it....

Here's the real chapter :)

Mal's POV

   Everything was blur, I felt like I fell but then stopped.....
Once my vision cleared up, I looked up, I was holding on to the bars of the balcony!

But I felt really weak, I won't be able to hold on forever.
My hands are sweating, making my grasp slowly slip, then my head hurt badly.
I felt like closing my eyes but I couldn't, I have to fight the weakness, you're stronger than this Mal!

I looked down, but quickly regretted it, this looked about a 25 possibly 30 feet drop!
If I fell.....well I be gone!
My arms were shaking, I let out a shaky breath.....
Who am I kidding, I'm scared to life right now, I'm going to die from a crazy spoiled brat and I'm leaving with out an apologize to Ben......
Then what about my friends! Oh Evie will be heartbroken, and then Lunar!

I started to cry, no bawl, this is the end....I deserve this....after all I am just a VK!
I deserve it for acting horribly to Ben!
It was useless but I did it any ways, I screamed.....for Ben.
My vision blurred once again, with the endless tears streaming down.
It was useless.
Maybe I should just let go and-...

" MAL!"

My head shot up, it was Ben! He was here!
" BEN!" I exclaimed, tears of joy running down.
" Mal hold On! I'll see if I can pull you up!" He exclaimed, reaching down to grab my hand.
He was out of reach, he can't reach!
" Mal, let go of one and reach your hand out towards mine!" He exclaimed again.
I was scared, what if I slipped and fell?
Then what?!

" Mal I know you're scared but please trust me, especially now!" He said trying to comfort me.
I put on a "brave" face and reached my hand out towards him.
My right hand was getting even more sweaty, making it harder, yet in the end?
Still out of reach, but we were a bit closer.

I sighed and looked down.
" Ben I'm sorry....it's my fault, all of this is my fault."
" Mal.."
" Ben I'm sorry, I love you, and never forget that! Tell....tell Evie and the others that I love them as well!"

" Mal don't say that! I'm not letting you fall, you hear me! You're not going to....." He said trailing off.
I'm giving up, I can't hold on anymore and I want to close my eyes so bad.

I started to blink multiple times, my eyes staying shut longer.....and longer....an-

" Mal! Don't close your eyes! Just stay with me!" Tears forming in his eyes.
" I'm.....sleepy...." I said, my head slouching slowly.
" Mal! That's.....that's an order!" He commanded, though his voice cracked a bit in the end.
I felt like giggling, but I didn't have the strength to do so.

This was it......
My strength is gone.....
My hearing went fazed, and all I could hear or make out was Ben shouting my name,
And then........

I let go

I felt the cold air through my hair and back......

I felt like screaming, but the weakness over took me, not letting me do so.....

It happened so fast once again....

I wasn't dead......

Or was I dreaming....

My head was spinning, making it hard to see.....

But the warmth around my wrist....

That's how I knew I wasn't dead....

Ben had finally been able to reach me before falling completely.....

" Ben..." I said under my breath.
He pulled me up.
The ground felt weird under my feet, I wobbled but Ben kept me standing.
He let me sit on the ground, while he crouched next to me.

I looked up at him, his eyes showing so many emotions, I couldn't tell if my where the same way.
" Mal.....are....are you okay?" He asked shaky, like he was trying not to cry.
" T-thank you Ben f-for saving m-me." I said trying not to stammer, yet failed.

He brushed away a strand of hair away then touched my forehead.
" Mal you're burning." He said worried.
I was?
I didn't feel hot...I felt cold, really cold.
I started giggling a bit  for no reason....
Maybe be I'm delirious....
" I'm f-fine.....don't-"

I couldn't finish because then everything went black.....

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