Chapter 17

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Everyone listen to Let Me Go by Avril Lavigne ft. Chad Kroeger while reading because it fits perfectly :)

-Belle Ann-

Ariel put the box into her small bag on her side, clutching it to her body. I saw her take something out of the bag and hand it to Belle.

“You won’t get this box!” she screamed, running at me with the small knife Ariel had handed her. I felt the knife reopen my previous wound on my face and I held out my hand, blasting her back against the wall of the mine. I launched myself towards Ariel, taking out the small knife I hid in my boot and cutting the bag’s handle, watching it fall to the ground.

She went to reach for it and I slammed her up against the wall, holding the knife closely to her neck. I could heard the sounds of the Darling brothers and Belle and they all ran for the knife. I held out my one free hand, listening to the sound of them crash against the wall.

I let Ariel go, holding her against the wall with my magic as well. They all struggled but it was no use. They were stuck there until I let my magic down.

I walked over to the bag, taking out the box and getting a better look at it.

“Pandora’s Box…it can trap some of the most powerful beings in the world inside of it,” I said out loud, making sure they knew what they were handling when they got into this. I placed it on the ground, taking the ax that Michael had dropped earlier into my hand as I lined it up with the box.

“You’re just like Pan,” I heard Belle say. I looked up at her, my gaze filled with hatred.

“You need to stop calling him Pan. He was just a boy I found one day in the EnchantedForest, hating his life. If you would take the time to hear about what Peter was really like, I can guarantee that you would think differently of him. He’s not at all what you make him out to be. He’s charming, sweet, kind, loving, and not a bad person. He may have changed a little bit after he thought I was dead, but I’m bringing him back. Slowly but surely,”

“After he thought you were dead he became evil, ruthless. He killed innocent people, never allowed girls on the island. If he found one, he killed them. He’s no innocent boy, even if you think he is. He’s a bloody demon, and you’re just like him,”

I gave her one last glare, letting the ax come flying down on the box as they all screamed for me to stop. I watched as it sliced it clean in half, all harm it could’ve done being washed away. I let my magic up, freeing them all and freeing up the exit to the mine.

I could feel deep down that Rumple, Regina, and Peter knew I had destroyed the box. I could feel Peter’s smile now.

I wiped the blood away the streamed down my face from my reopened wound as I stepped over the box, looking back at everyone before I left the mine.

“I’ll still bring back Wendy, boys. You will still get your sister back. I promise,”

I turned to leave the mine, only to come face to face with the Blue Fairy.

“You may have done this out of love,” she began, her eyes almost holding pain for me, “but that doesn’t mean Peter Pan will live. It has begun. He is on his way to taking The Heart of the Truest Believer, and nothing guarantees he will live. Rumple and Regina have found the rest of their group, and Emma is going after her son. They will not stop at anything, Belle Ann. You haven’t really saved your love…”

“Your mistaken,” I began to correct her, “I may not know a ton about the heart but I know once he takes it, he’s immortal. He’s one of the most powerful beings in the world.”

“But he’ll have a human heart, the heart of a boy who grew up here. If he succeeds in getting that heart, he can be killed,”

I stared at her, horrified by her words. He could still be killed. Maybe this is what Rumple wanted. He wanted me out here fighting to destroy a box, which he knew I would, so that I wasn’t there to protect Peter.

He was on his way to kill Peter.

I ran past the Blue Fairy, shoving her away from me as I ran out of the mine and through the heart of Storybrooke. Everyone watched me as I ran for the seas. I was running out of time, or I maybe even had no time, so the minute I reached the shoreline I took off into the air, flying as fast as I could towards Neverland.

I knew a fairy had just enough magic to make it to Neverland and back before they had to rest, and I thought I had just enough left to make it there. It slipped my mind that I used so much power to fight off the Darling brothers, Belle, and Ariel that the minute Neverland came into sight, I found myself dropping.

I stopped midair, still barely floating as I attempted to keep my eyes open I watched Skull Rock intensely, watching Peter lead Henry up the stairs.

I tried to get my voice to work, to call out to Peter, but no sound would come out. I used all my magic flying back here, that it was nearly impossible to keep my eyes open.

More like impossible. I felt my eyes finally shut and my entire body shutdown as I literally fell from the sky. My body hit the freezing ocean water, and it pulled me under to the point where the entire world was basically gone. Even my thoughts were gone.

I was gone.

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