Chapter 1 - Nakamura Siblings

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Everyone stared at the entrance of the guild. There stood the missing Tenroujima team from seven years ago.

" We're back! " Natsu shouted and the whole guild started crying.

" We've missed you! "

There were a lot of rounds of hugging and the whole guild started partying to celebrate their return. Then, Macao told Makarov something.

" While you were away, we got two new recruits who are very powerful. You might like them. " Macao said.

" Hmm...where are they? " Makarov asked.

" They went on a mission...which mission was it again? Ah! It's the 500,000 jewel mission they went on! " Macao said with enthusiasm.

" They're that good? " Gray questioned.

" Well, to us, yes. They're siblings of the Nakamura family. Two of them are twins. They're fraternal twins. " Macao replied.

Right on cue, the doors swung open revealing two figures standing in the entrance. There was a girl and boy. The boy wore a white, black jeans, combat boots and a black leather jacket. He had his hands dug into his pockets. The girl wore a long sleeve black shirt and a no sleeve white denim jacket. Her hands were behind her back.

Both had snow white hair and ruby red eyes. The girl's hair went all the way down to her thigh. They walked into the guild casually and muttered some things to Macao and turned on their heel and left.

After five minutes, they came back again with two big bags filled with jewels.

" I thought you went on a 500,000 jewel mission only?! " Macao shrieked.

" Some are from those bastards who trashed the place. We gave them a good ass kicking and they finally gave us some money to repair the damages they made. " the boy spoke with venom.

" And you two are? " Makarov asked.

" Nakamura Ruki. " the boy spoke in a kinder tone.

" Nakamura (Y/N). " the girl with long hair said with a small smile.

" So, you're the siblings Macao was talking so highly about. " Erza said as she stood beside Makarov.

" Anyways, here's the jewels we got from those bastards. You can use it. " (Y/N) said with an eye closed smile.

" While we keep the money we got from our mission to ourselves. " Ruki added.

" What are your powers? " Natsu asked.

The siblings looked at each other with a worried expression at first until someone shouted.

" There you two are! "

A girl who looked like (Y/N) but slightly older by three years came up to them. She had shoulder length snow white hair as well as ruby red eyes. She wore a grey knee length dress.

" What do you need, Suki-neesan? " the twins asked in unison.

" Can you two stop disappearing?! One moment you're here the next you're gone! Father strictly told me to not let you out of my sight but you two keep on disappearing! " the woman said and her arms were flailing about.

" Suki-neesan, we've told you not to tag along. It will be difficult for you since you've lost your powers. " Ruki said in a serious tone.

" I'll be there no matter what to make sure you don't get hurt. " Suki said wagged a finger in front of them.

" Anyways, what's going on here? They're much more people here than before. " Suki raised a brow.

" Our team which went missing on Tenroujima island from seven years ago has returned! " Romeo exclaimed.

" Oh! The very strong team that you talk so highly about! " Suki said, realising.

" Are you in the guild? " Laxus asked.

" Oh heavens no. I lost my mage powers dear. " Suki said with a sweet smile on her face.

" You...LOST YOUR MAGE POWERS?! " they exclaimed with shocked voices.

" Looks like they didn't know they can lose their mage powers. " (Y/N) mused as they bombarded Suki with questions.

" Let's sit down and tell you our story shall we? " Suki suggested and they complied and listened to their story.

*(Y/N) means Your Name


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