Chapter 25 - Tears & Comfort

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It's been three days since the battle with David and Suki's death. (Y/N) and Ruki were in the infirmary unconscious since that day.

While the siblings were unconscious for three days, the guild were preparing Suki's funeral. Then, on the fourth day, the twins woke up simultaneously.

Hibiki kept on coming to the guild while (Y/N) was unconscious and wouldn't go out unless he would be going back or to fetch a snack.

When (Y/N) woke up, he heard her voice first before turning around to see her eyes open. He had a few tears escape his eyes before quickly looking to Ruki whose eyes were also open. He quickly went down to the mess hall and shored to them that they are awake.

Wendy immediately ran to the infirmary room to check up on them.

" They're fine. They need at least three days of rest and they can finally get out of this room! " Wendy exclaimed happily.

" I'm sorry to bring this up to you (Y/N), Ruki, but we are preparing the funeral. What could be her favourite colour? " Makarov asked with guilt in his eyes.

" Her favourite colour is white because it is pure and never gets tainted while her other favourite colour is yellow as it also explains the way we smile. It brightens her day. " Ruki answered as he sat up in bed as (Y/N) did the same but with Hibiki helping her.

" I see. Send the invitations out to the village that they lived in. Make sure that it states there that they should only wear the colour white and yellow. Mira? " Makarov ordered.

" Hai, Master. " Mira bowed slightly before leaving to make the invitations.

" Now, children, you should rest. We don't want you to overexert yourself now do we? " Makarov said with a kind smile before leaving the twins and Hibiki.

" I'll get some food ready for you two. Any requests? " Hibiki asked as he made his way to the door.

" Anything is fine. " (Y/N) replied with a sweet smile.

Hibiki smiled back and left the room. (Y/N) sighed inaudibly and when she turned her head, she met the eyes of her brother who was smirking at her.

" You do know that you actually confessed to Hibiki during the battle, you know? " he asked cheekily.

(Y/N)'s cheeks quickly flared up.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

" Hibiki! You should know...I will always listen first and will never reject you! Cause...I like you as well! That's why...don't trust your subconscious! Trust me! I know you trust me more than your subconscious so...minna! Wake up! "

The memory kept on playing in mind even when I was unconscious. Oh my god...I can't believe I actually confessed to him during a battle.

" What am I gonna do? " I whimpered as I covered my eyes with my arm.

" Here's your food. " Hibiki came into the room with two trays of food.

" Arigato! Thank you for the meal! " I chirped as she started to eat her food while Ruki has already started.
Ruki was deeply asleep while (Y/N) was still awake. She couldn't shake the memory of off her mind. Then, the door opened. Hibiki came in.

" Ah, (Y/N), why are you still awake? Shouldn't you be asleep? " Hibii asked as he sat beside the hospital bed.

" Couldn't sleep. Besides, I'm not tired." (Y/N) gave him a sincere smile to show that she was telling the truth.

" *Sigh* alright, but sleep soon, alright?" Hibiki said as he stroked her hair slowly.

She nodded before looking at him staright in the eye.

" D-Did you hear...w-what I said...during the b-battle? " (Y/N) stammered as she looked down to her fingers.

" Of course. I rather trust you than my own subconsciousness. " Hibiki said.

" T-Then...? " (Y/N) trailed off as she felt a soft pair of lips were on hers.

It took a while for her but she started to kiss back. When they pulled away, (Y/N) immediately dove under the covers to not show her red tomato face.

Hibiki chuckled softly before planting a kiss on her forehead and got up.

" I have to go now, princess. I'll see you tomorrow. Better not stay awake the whole night up thinking about me. " Hibiki winked at (Y/N) before leaving.

" *Sigh* Biki-baka... " (Y/N) mumbled before drifting off to sleep.
The day of the funeral...

Everyone who was invited were wearing either white or yellow clothes to the funeral.

(Y/N) was wearing a long sleeve yellow knee length dress with a white belt on the waist and had some white trimming on the dress. Her hair was up in a ponytail with a yellow ribbon with white lace on it to tie it.

Ruki was wearing black jeans and and a white long sleeve button up. Everyone had a gloomy auta around them. The guild members of fairy tail had tears rolling down their cheeks.

Natsu was hugging Lucy to comfort her while having some tears in his eyes. Gajeel and Gray were doing the same thing to Levy and Juvia.

No one else cried harder than the twins. While saying her speech, (Y/N) broke down halfway as she couldn't hold her tears for so long.

After burying the body of Suki, (Y/N) ran off to the most calming place she has ever known.

The cliff.

She sat down as she hugged her knees closer to her chest and started to sob quietly. A few minutes passed and then she was engulfed in someone's embrace.

She looked up to see Hibiki. He gave her his signature playboy grin and continued to hug her.

They stayed like that for a while until (Y/N) turned around to face him.

" A-About last night... " she trailed off, not knowing how to continue.

" Well, are you that eager to know? " Hibiki teased which earned him a smack on the arm from (Y/N).

" Geez. Playboy. " she muttered as she crossed her arms over her chest and pout.

" Well, I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend but you know what happen. " Hibiki scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

" What if I say yes? " (Y/N) asked mischievously.

" Then, I'll be happy! " Hibiki carried (Y/N) and started to swing her around.

" You didn't even ask me! Baka! " she hit him on the head which caused him to drop her.

" Fine, fine. (Y/N), will you be my girlfriend? " he asked sincerely, looking into her eyes as he said it.

" Yes. Yes. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! " (Y/N) squealed as she jumped into Hibiki's arms.

They then shared a passionate kiss.
Hi guys! Another long chapter I think? I don't even know anymore! Like I said before, this story is coming to an end with a few more chapters before being completed. Sorry if this chapter sucks like shit. Hope you enjoy this chapter(shit)! Sayonara, minna!


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