Stupid Mortals

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Percy's POV

They all attacked me at once. I dodged Bow dudes arrows and the ginga ninja attacks.

Sadly I wasn't quick enough and got shoved back by Red white and blue over here.

Just as I got back up junk suit tried to vaporize me!! "Watch where u point this things!!" I yelled "There not toys!!"

"Like shit they are kid!" Tin can yelled back. Goldy locks threw his hammer at me which I caught and threw at Junk in the trunk (stark)

I knocked the rest of them out and dusted my hands off. That wasn't so hard I thought.

Suddenly I got hit in the back of the head. I barely had time to curse their mothers graves before I blacked out.

I woke up to a white room... Literally everything was white!! I felt like an insane asylum patient!

Luckily for me there was a sink. "Stupid Mortals" I whispered "Prepare for hell!"

Tony's POV

After we had all woken up, Fury stormed in and yelled at us "WTH was that?! Your all supposed to be Avengers AKA earths mightiest Hero's and u were beaten up by a kid?!?!"

"Now go and check on prisoner in the Omega block!" He yelled and we all scrambled out the door. Jeez what peed in his Cheerios today?!?!

As we walked down I asked "Who's in the Omega block again?" "Ugh you idiot!" Natasha said "Its the girl remember"

"Oh ya....." I murmured.

(Time skip brought to u by lazy authors)

We arrived at the cell and looked in at the girl. "She doesn't look like her picture......" Clint said while reading the file.

We all looked up from the file when we heard the girl start laughing like a maniac.

"You stupid mortals caught him!! Prepare for hell!!!!!"

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