An Awkward Cinderella Story

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     Charlotte was a good, 15 year old. She was in high school and got straight A's. She lived with her step mother, because her biological mom was divorced with her dad. Then, her dad died when she was 14, and she was left with her step mother and two step sisters. Her step sisters went to a private school, while she went to the worst public school. Charlotte, has two friends, Lucas (the hottest guy) and Scarlet (the rebel). Her friends called her Charlie and she called Scarlet, Scar. They both called Lucas, Luke. Charlotte has dirty blonde hair, mostly red nails, and always has to wear the same clothes each day. Lucas has brown hair, brown eyes, and only has Chalotte as a friend after his parents divorce. Scarlet has red hair,mostly black nails, and has a nasty habbit, smoking.


    " So Charlie, how was your Cemestry test?" Lucas asked like he cared

   " How do you think it went I have Mr.Cesterfield?" I said sarcasticly.

        Mr. Cesterfield was a tall, brown haired, stuck up, Cemestry and Math teacher. He only cared about his homeroom students and thought that Cemestry was the best subject in the world. I think culteral health is. He gives us 12th grade homework and we are in 10th grade. He's the worst teacher you could ever have, he has a gun in his room to make sure that any murders don't come in and kill him. He's the craziest,dumbest,meanist teacher ever and has no sense of controll.

     " So that means an F, really he has to get some selfcontrol." Scarlet replied to Charlie

      Scar lived right next door to Lucas, so they both took their turn and said bye. Then, soon I was walking alone, I arrived at my house to see a pile of chores that said:

      Charlotte's chore list:

        Clean my room and both sister's rooms, go to the grocery store and get dinner, clean all floors and vacum carpet, make all beds, clean your room, clean the chimney, wax the atic floor and clean all pictures, make dinner perferibly roast beef, carrots, mashed potatoes, and corn, buy grocerys for breakfast and buy extra clothes for Cloe and Katlyn's trip ( her step sisters) size 14 for Katlyn and Cloe 4, buy air matress for their camping trip, buy school books for Katlyn, buy the new uniform, clean radiator, clean water whole, make dresses for Cloe's prom next Saturday, she will pick one when she gets home today, dust the living room and kitchen, make extra dinner for guests,get extra chairs,rent four movies, do homework, and finally do Cloe's hair for her date.

    Sitting next to the letter was five hundred dollars.I was guessing that I could get stuff that was on sale for me, and get some new clothes because what I was wearing was all I had. I thought that if I go to the clothes shop first, I would get some discounts. When I walked in, I saw tons of clothes to pick from. There were pink dresses, yellow tanktops,and jeans skattered everywhere. I ran like I was crazy to the clearance pile, and saw the cutes jeans, I thought I was about to drool over.  Then, I saw ten shirts for the price of one! I was about to faint over the prices : $4.00. I paniced and I almost grabbed everything on the shelf. Then I saw jeans for half off and they were to die for!

    As I was checking out, I forgot their clothes and uniforms. So, I leaped out of the line and ran for the best uniforms and got their school books then ran to the line again. When they rang up the total, it was the lowest price you could ever get : $16.00! I hoped into my car and ran to the grocery store, I got everything I needed then, I was shocked yet again at the price : $23.89! People spend that much on jeans, that aren't in the clearance aisle. Then, I ran to go get Cloe's prom dress because I didn't feel like making it. I bought one for me too, and at the dress shop, they had hair staightners so I bought one. It was the best day of my life!

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