La Mémoire De Son

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One late afternoon, as I walked along the Scordiu Bridge, I saw this lady whom brought a dozen of questions in my mind. I cannot take off my eyes on her, I do not know why, but sadness written all over her angelic face.

A deafening sound detracted me in the depth of thought, I didn't notice that I already caused commotion in the middle of the street, a bus almost hit me.

"Do you want to die? Make it by yourself young man, don't let us be trouble in your scheme." Chauffeur yelled.

"I apologize for what I've done mister. It's not my intention to do so. Pardon me for my mistake." I'd said.

As he drove away, I found my gaze in the spot where I saw her, she's already gone.

Now I continued my errand to my Uncle Randall's mercantile where I decided to work par timely as the summer came.

"Oh! James, you are so early. Do you need something?" Uncle Randall said as I entered in the shop.

"Nothing Uncle, I ... I just want to come early." I replied.

"Okay, am can you put this on the stock room?" Uncle Randall asked.

"Yes of course Uncle."

As I carry the boxes of cable wires, it suddenly fell on the ground when I lost my balance after I bumped into something or should i say someone.

"Look in your way mister." she said.

As I held up my head to see whom the person I bumped with. She's the Scordiu girl, which I prefer to call her.

"Ah, I'm sorry I didn't mean it." "I'm very sorry." I'm stammered in responding.


"Are you hurt? What hurts you?" I asked.

"No I'm not, I'm okay, thank you, just watch your way next time." She replied and walks away.

I didn't go after her for I was still can't believe that I saw her in a close distance. I regret it I should ask her name. But I talk, hold and even see her bluish greenish eyes. It's a moment to remember though.


A few days passed, I always hope to see her again. After that incident she never comes back. I always walked in the Scordiu Bridge and even twenty four hours waiting in the door of the mercantile if she might walks in. But I failed, days become months, I never saw her again. As I watch the outside through the glass wall I saw the busy street of Erzania wherein the people not so bogged doing their daily chores. I should keep myself busy, too.


Day by day in every nanosecond of time, I always think the day I met her. I keep telling myself that I should forget her because she will never come back but she's like a Trojan bug it's hard to pull it out on my system. Every time you keep on forgetting, the more it keeps you remember the thing. It's difficult to bury the memory of hers.


I'm in a rush in preparing my luggage where my mom told me late to go in my Grandmother's house. It's a serene but has a happy ambiance place, indeed. I stop working in my Uncle Randall's mercantile for I was just having two weeks left to spend my summer. It is a perfect time to deplete.

"What a fresh and cool air?" when I reach the seashore I savored breathtakingly the cold breeze of wind. A perfect time and a perfect place to contemplate and meditate things I've got. As I turn round in my right side for I have seen an image in my peripheral vision I saw a person whom I've been looking and dreaming for to meet again. There she is in wide arms, in a shut eyes and savoring the moment. The Scordiu girl I've known.

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