The Fall of a King (1)

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He threw himself backwards, barely dodging the massive claw that slashed at his chest. Coming to his feet with a roll, Arnor swung his blade at the beast, but it clanged off the monster's scaly hide. Ducking another claw swipe, he slashed wildly at the beast's chest, the razor sharp blade flashing white in the sun, when a spiked tail swept him off his feet. He heard a snap, and agonizing pain flared up his left side. He struggled desperately to get to his feet, knowing all the while it would be too late. There was a flash in the corner of his eye. A white talon swooped down, and he swung his blade up to offer a futile defense. The shining blade met the razor claw, and his blade shattered into a thousand pieces. Arnor's mouth fell open in shock, and he fell onto his back again. Slowly, he raised his eyes to meet the dragon's. They were reptilian, narrow slits of yellow with black slitted pupils. There was no hint of mercy, nor kindness. Only hate dwelled in those evil pits. Looking around, he saw a battlefield, broken spears, burnt flags, and bodies. Bodies of his friends. He saw a man with bronze toned skin and raven black hair lying surrounded by the bodies of his enemies. His king, the one he had sworn to protect, had fallen. But it was more than that. It was not just his king that lay on the ground, but his friend. Choking back a sob, Arnor looked up into his enemy's face. For what did he have to lose? He had failed. He had failed his country, his family, and his king.

"Yes." The voice was deep and melodious. "Yes, you have failed. Look upon your failure one last time. Know that this was your last hope, and it is gone. Know that all you loved and cared about is gone. Know that the world of men, is now mine. Know this, understand this, then despair and DIE."

Arnor looked up into those evil slits of eyes and saw destruction, war, and death. He saw flames devouring a city, saw women and children fleeing in terror, knowing all the while that it was too late to run. The dragon spoke.

"Only now, in the end, do you understand? Only now can you fathom what your failure has wrought. Your land, your people, your families, they will burn. They will ALL burn."

Arnor groaned. His city, his people-gone? And his family-his beautiful wife and his son... But wait. His son. The next generation. Arnor looked up, glaring at the beast before him. He knew, yes, he would die. But this knowledge did not bring him despair. Sorrow, disappointment, and rage yes. But not despair. Arnor felt a deep sense of peace and hope as he looked into the dragon's eyes.

"Do what you will to me, but you will never win this fight. For man will never submit to your control, worm of the skies! You may conquer lands, you may burn cities, you may unleash all the forces of the night, and shroud this land in darkness. But one day, a hero will rise, and you will fall. You may think that your darkness is forever, but the sun will rise in the end, and like all shadows, you will fall before the light of the dawn."

The dragon reared up and screamed.

"You and all you kind will die! I swear to never give up until every human in this realm is burned to ashes! They will regret the day they challenged Kardia, King of Dragons!" The King of Dragons thrust one gleaming talon through his heart, and Arnor sagged lifeless to the ground, a smile on his lips. ​

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