Diary of A Killer

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My first story hope you like it

]The thick heavy blood driping from my fingers as I ran from my house . There was no words to descride what I did . Killer ? Murder ? The blood was really on my hands. I ran and ran till I came a stoped around the block so no one could find me . Turning my head making sure no one was following me making sure that no one heard me . Dawn was coming and I had to go either back to my house or some part of the world . I make a chocie coming to my house I opened the door and creeped in and in . I walked up the stairs and blood was all over the hall drying still damp and the knife was on the floor still where it was when I left it.The man on the floor dead as a door nail with all of my regreats . I have to move him far far away from here but where ?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2013 ⏰

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