Chapter 9

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 Three days later and I have a plan. I am going to take them to the Zoo. I just know she'll love it. All the cute fluffy animals, and candy. This is going to be so awesome. I wish we could find Libby. That would definitely have Vivian's spirits raised.

 I also went to the spot where she was taken and the smell was vvery familiar, so familiar that if my brother wasn't dead I would have thought it was him. But since he is dead, I can rule him out. I think I'll go over and see if she wants to go.


 I knock on the door and a harried Vivian opens the door. "What do you want?"

"I was wondering if you and the girls would......" I could hear the twins crying. 

"I....just Come in." She hurries away.

 I follow her to the twins room, inside I saw Calli with a red tear streaked face, and Becca's green eye's filled with unshed tears, and her little bow mouth wobbling. I lean in and picked her up, I rock her, singing a song my mother used to sing me. " I love you, a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck, a hug around the neck."

 Before I could finish the song both girls were fast asleep. I put Becca in the crib and had a soft warm body run into me. Then proceeded to squeeze me to death. I hug her back, but took her face between my hands and kissed her. 

 We kissed for seconds, but it felt like hours when I draged my mouth from hers. Looking into her eyes. I noticed a glazey sheen in her eyes, and felt a little proud for making her feel all mushy. I look over to the cribs and saw that they were still sound asleep. 

 I grab Vivian around the waist and carried her to the kitchen. Setting her down I make eggs and bacon. I put the hot plate down, and saw she was in a deep sleep. I laugh quietly, and put the food in the fridge. Then took her to her room. I pull the covers up and over her, tucking her in, I kiss her cheek, and went to the twins room. So I can sit in the rocking chair, and watch the babies. 



  I yawn and stretched in my bed? How did I get here? Were are my kids? Are they okay? I jump out of bed and ran toward their room. Only to stop short, sleeping in a rocking chair, with the twins is Dominic. His black hair rumpled, and his black eye lashes lay upon his cheeks.

 I lean against the door frame, and watched them. So peaceful they are, I turn around and went to the kitchen. I grab some mac-an-cheese to put in the microwave, and found eggs and bacon. My heart soften's at the sight, he had made me breakfast and I fell asleep.

 So I heat up the eggs and bacon to eat with the mac-an-cheese. After finishing my food, I hear the twins whimper. So I walk to the room and picked up Calli. I walk her to my room and put her up to my chest. She noses around, and then latches on. She suckles for awhile, burping her, I rock her to sleep.

 I walk back to their room and set Calli in her oak wood chocolate crib. I walk over to Dominic and took Becca to my room and feed her. She makes the cutest sounds, when suckling, and as she finishes up, I notice a soreness from having the twins breastfeed.

 Putting her to sleep, I stick her in the crib right next to Calli. I turned around and saw Dominic looking at me. He stands up and I try to run. But all that did was help him out, Shutting the door behind him, he smiles. A smile that would make a weaker woman melt right to the floor. 

 I fake a right, and he grabs me. Shoving me against the wall, his eyes glow a furious green. So I stand rock still, for all of five seconds, and started kissing him back.  I shyly put my hands on his back, he moaned, and I dropped my hands. Thinking that I had hurt him, biting my lip.....hard. He growls at me, so I throw them back. 

 I rub my right hand up and down his back, and my left hand traveled to the front. It hit the muscles on his stomach, and I traveled up. Up on past the yummy six pack, past the scrumptious shoulders, and onto his stubble cheek. 


 When her hand touched my back, I felt on fire. I moaned, but she removed her hand. The loss of it, made me fell alone. I bite her lip, punishing her for removing her soft delicate hand. I felt gladdened for when she put it back. I jerked when I felt her hand travel up my stomach. Oh I had died then and there and went straight to heaven. 

 I let my hand travle down, but as soon as I did she jerked away from me. Both of us were breathing heavy, her eyes were glassy and as I tried to move. She popped out her claws and dug them into my back. It felt great and hored at the same time. 

 Picking her up, I proceed to walk her to the living room. Putting her down on the couch, I in turn sit in a chair directly in front of her. We need to talk, and it has to be soon. Preferably now. "Viv my offer of marriage still stands. We would be very happy together, I just now it. I can feel it in my bones."

"I just have to know, and anyway we can't get married without Libby." She's grasping for straws.

 "So if I was to say, find Libby, and or she was to come home. You would marry me?" I ask tentatively.

 "I uh....I uh...I...I have to get the babies, their dieapers need changed." I watch as her sweet deriair moves far away from me. 

 I sigh, writing a note to her. I walk out the door, praying that Libby would hurry her butt up and come home. 


 I laugh as we jump into the pool. His smiling face coming closer and closer. Until his lips touched mine. We stay that way for a while. My lips against his luscious lips. When he stiffened I lifted my head, and stared. A man was standing right behind us, I turn to look at what he was staring at. There was another man, mighty growls erupt from his mouth. His lips curl up to show pointy pearly whites.

The tall dark one speeks. "Agent Fansler, may we have a word with you."

 That was more of a demand than asking. So I might be in love with an agent. Terrific, one can never get a break. I stare accusingly at him, and he stares back there's no emotion what so ever on his tan face, nor in his green eyes.

 As he leaves to talk with the men. I pack up what little I have, and walked out the door. To what could have been the happiest of my years. But when a man lies to a woman that loves him. He just isn't going to cut it. No matter if that so called woman loves him. 

 I cry as I walk away from possibly my one chance at happiness. I stick my hand out, trying to hitch a ride to Viv's house. I would go to mine but it just wouldn't feel like home without him. The bodacious way he laughs, and when he smiles, he has this cute little dimple, that make him the sexiest man I have ever seen. 

 A man and his wife pick me up, and as I give them directions. My heart breaks a little more, till there is barely anything left. I guess Vivian was right never fall in love with a wolf. You will just be burned, and forever broken.


 As a man walks back to his house, he notices something has gone missing. Searching the place, he finds that she's gone. Dropping to his knees, he shiftes. A pitch black wolf shakes out his fur. Throw back his head, and howls a lonely heart breaking tune. Howling for what felt like hours. He comes up with a plan to find her, and bring her back so she can brighten his life again. After all I didn't become an agent for nothing. 

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