Chapter 2

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With the holidays approaching, Hunter's mood had darkened even further. Santino refused to acknowledge any wrong doing. The fights between them were dark and hurtful. Each had the knowledge to hurt the other, to cut them to the bone and leave hate and resentment behind.

Sunny was the master, his tongue as sharp as a razor. Hunter refused to lose the only good thing left in his life, so he walked away. He walked away from Santino and all his problems. Time would decide when and how the aftermath of his actions would end. Until then, Hunter worked to survive. He survived because one day there'd be a chance for him and for Sunny.

"Keep your head in the game out there H!" The shout brought Hunter's attention back into focus. The dispatch was in full mayhem. Every business in town was trying to complete enough work so that they could enjoy some much needed time off with the approaching holiday. This should be some of the best time for work because of the generous tipping, but Hunter could only focus on the growing headache he had.

Lolli was watching him and he realized that he hadn't responded to her comment. He straightened and nodded her way. "I'm always careful know that better than most." It was a joke, but it was also the truth. Lolli strode confidently across the crowded space.

He could see her clearly now, she wasn't joking. The woman before him was all business. "You're careful when you're not distracted and listen to me are more than distracted lately." She had been watching and had witnessed Hunter's spiral first hand. "I know...I know, Mister big, bad and alone in the world doesn't need anything or anyone BUT I am not going to watch you splattered across some street!" She hissed the last in anger and maybe desperation. For all her faults, Lolli cared deeply. The small army of messengers had become her family.

"Don't go and start picking out black dresses yet. You know better than anyone I'm the master of the road." He was and everyone knew it. Now it was clear that Hunter had lost control, the carefully mastered ability to hide from everyone was failing, falling apart like everything else in his life.

It was time to snap out of it, time to focus and forget all the crap that Sunny had surrounded himself with. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. The woman melted against him and alarm bells started to ring in Hunter's head. With a quick peck to the top of her head, he went in search of a job to do.

Morning traffic was insane. The people of Chicago were angry; angry at mornings, work and winter alike and there was nothing better to take the blame out on than bike messengers. It was a rite of passage to make it through a week unscathed, although each and every injury was worn with pride.

Once on his bike with a clear destination in mind Hunter found the zone. In all his years, he had never found anything else that could clear his mind as well. The day moved on, delivery after delivery keeping him moving forward, one mindless order after another. Perfection, until the shift ended and he returned to the depot.

Hunter's muscles ached in the very best way. Nothing was better than a day of hard work to ease the tension. He wondered if he had inherited his father's love of hard labor. If it was true, then it was the only good thing to be found in that horrible man. Hunter made his way to the dispatcher's desk to deposit his sheet. Blocking out the noise and commotion that surrounded him, he almost missed Sunny.

The truth was no one could intentionally miss the man. He, like his nickname shun bright. He had come to Hunter. It should have been a relief; it should have made the knot loosen its hold. Could have and should have had never been friends of Hunter.

Standing tall he motioned to his brother to follow him. Hunter didn't wait to see if Santino understood or agreed. He walked confidently through the depot and out the doors. Hunter didn't stop walking until he was sure that he was clear of any curious eyes. A few blocks away he finally came to stop at a bench.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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