The Scream 1

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One night, A women is making a poapcorn for watching a horror movie. When the popcorn is already starting. the phone rings. (phone Ringing) "Hello?" the girl ask. "Are you alone in you're house?"The unknown said. "Yes, why are you asking?" Girl replied.  "Nothing, Just wanted to know. What is that noise? Unknown said. "Im making a popcorn to watch a scary movie" girl replied. But the girl should not told the unknown that what she doing. "What kind of scary movie?" Unknown ask. "Im going to watch you know, the bladed claws." girl replied. "Freddy krueger?" unknown asked. "Thats it! Yes, im watching freddy krueger." the unknown ask something a second. "Can I come in you're house to watch with you?" unknown ask. But the girl should NOT agree. "Sure! I would love too!"Girl said. "My address is..." but the Doorbell ring. The girl walk slowly and Grab the doorknob and Its just a kids. but when she turn back the popcorn explodes. The Unknown said "IM GOING TO CUT YOU LIKE A PIG!" But the unknown is the killer of the woodsboro. "Listen asshole, if you try to go here my boyfriend will kick you're ass!" girl scold the killer. "Really? then try to open the lights outside!"Killer said. "LOOK...OUT... ITS...THE...KILLER.!" boyfriend said. The boyfriend been stab in the chest and the girl escape to the killer and the girl is running but the killer is faster than her. The girl is been grabbed by a killer and stab to the neck. the girl saw her parents and try to call them in the phone but no voice because of the neck. "Mom...Dad...Help... me..." The girl Speaked a low voice but her parents cant hear them. her parents saw that the house is burning cause of the popcorn. They're parents is finding the girl but they found her been tied in the tree outside. "NOOO!" her mom screamed. in 2 months ago. The main character's name is Sydney Prescott. She is High school around Grade 9. She have a bestfriend called Titanum. Sydny Got home and All around by herself. Because her mom died in a murder. Sydney's phone is ringing but when she answered it, its Titanum they are talking about they're project. "Do we have a project?" Titanum said. "I dont know." Sydny said. "ok" titanum Said. Titanum already Put Her phone down. the phone rings again. "I told you its..." Sydney said "Are you alone in you're house?" killer said. "Who is this." Sydney said. "Oh im just a new neighbor." killer told a lie and said. "do you like watching scary movies?" "Bobby oh, You look so drunk! you need a rest..." Sydney said. "Its not bobby." killer replied "Oh sorry. So who are you?" Sydney ask. "Tell you're name and I tell you my name." Killer said. "Why do you even want to know my name?" Sydney ask. "Because I wanna know who Im looking at.". Sydney Walk slowly infront of the door and unlock it. "Can you even see me outside?" Sydney ask. "Yes." killer replied. "Ok so what am I doing huh?" Sydney Laugh because she thinks its joke and the killer is not replying. "You're such a lier. You cant even see me." Sydney said. "Bye got to go!" Sydney said. "Dont hang up on me." killer said. "What do you mean." Sydney said. "I CUT YOU LIKE A FISH, YOU UNDERSTAND?" Killer said. "Bitch." Sydney said and Lock all the doors. but the killer is inside of the house. Sydney Been pushed by a killer and Sydney Kick the killer as he Fell too. Sydney Go upstairs as the killer is chasing her. Sydney lock the door and Call a 911 but she cant Call them. They just call them in the Computer. When she said it. the killer is gone and the killer just got in the window but not dress up. "Its ok." Bobby said. Bobby dropped a phone and Sydney thought hes a killer. Sydney will now sleep with Titanum. "Sydney is for you." Girl said. "Do you remember me Sydney?" killer said. "No.... This could not be happening." Next day, They already go to school and Going to the lockers. A guy with a mask got paranoid in the school. "Do like this?! its look like a halloween!" Sue said. "Shut up Sue!" Titanum said. Sydney followed that guy to the bathroom. when she is in the bathroom. "Uh killing her like a mother." girl said. "Shes just like her mother like lozers."Girl said again. "You're so evil." Another girl said. "Why would you tell me that shes pathetic. Oh come on" Girl said. "Pathetic." Sydney said. "Sydney" Killer said softly. Sydney checked all the Doors in the Bathroom. but the killer's feet is not in there. The killer just got appeared in the Bathroom and Sydney slide through the killer to escape. Sydney saw Bobby again. "Woah woah woah. You think is still me, do you?" Bobby said. "No. its the killer."" Yeah. I was in jail, remember?" Bobby said. "I know I know but I know theres a killer trying to kill me." Sydney said. "I be late for class." Sydney said. When the school end. Sydney saw Gail weathers and said "Stop right there. Get you're camera." Gail said. "No camera pls." Sydney said. "Whats you're point huh?" Gail said. "My point is Cutton Killed my mother." Sydney said. "No SOMEONE killed you're mother, not Cutton." Gail said. ""The killer is still on the loose and can you still know He is chasing you until you die?" Gail said. "Then why is Cutton in jail." Sydney said. "No WHY is you're boyfriend in jail." "Hes still on the loose do  you think you can survive that?" Gail said. "Lets go Syd." Titanum said. "Tell everyone to come in my house tomorrow night" Sydney said. "Sure" Titanum said. Later that night. "Imma just get some bottles if you want Where is it?" Titanum ask. "In the garage." Sydney said. In the garage. The door Closed and The knives Fell "Its ok Titanum, Its ok." Titanum said. The cat Showed up. "Stupid cats." The killer showed up. "Oh so you want to play Pycho killer?"  The killer nod hes head as yes. "Oh so can I be The helpless chearleader?" The killer nod again as yes. "Ow! Is this how can we play. Ow!" Titanum said. Titanum escaping the garage in the Dog Door but she cant fit in. The killer open the garage as she will be lift up and Her head will be stuck. She cant breathe and died. "Why is Titanum taking so long." Sydney said. As they taking a party. Sydney and bobby got sex in the bed in a minute but When they got done. The killer shows up and Bobby got Stab. But when Sydney is escaping Bobby is still alive. As Sydney have a Gun. "Give me the Gun." Bobby said. "Uh sure." Sydney said. But Bobby Pulled the trigger to Hes bestfriend. "Ohhh. Ketchup Just like My mother do." Bobby said as he taste hes blood. Then Sydney discover that Bobby and Sue is the killer. "Sue pls Help me." Sydney said. "Surprise Sydney." As Sue said in Killer's voice.

I thought you love me..." Sydney said. "I do Syd. But I have to kill you." Bobby said. "Yeah Syd. Just to Slice and Cut!" Sue said. "Fuck you!" Sydney said. "Ohh You're gonna love this Syd." When the Surprise Showed Her Dad. "Dad!" Sydney said. Bobby putted the gun in the kitchen and Gail Showed up and grabbed a gun Slowly. Sue cant find the gun. "Oh. We have a little TINY problem." Sue Said "what." Bobby said. "Its not here! I know We putted here right?" Sue said. "Guess Two" Gail said As She pulled the trigger but when she Try it to shoot them theres no bullets. Bobby Kicked Gail outside and gail Is dead but later she alive. "Uhh what a good couple." Bobby said. Bobby is going to shoot Gail but Sue Accidentaly Distract him. "Oh Sydney you're gonna love this again!" Sue said. "Uh we have Problem again Bobby." Sue said. "What." Bobby said. "She is gone!" Sue said. Bobby didnt shoot Gail because of distract. Gail got up and Hide. The phone rings and Bobby answered. "Hello" Bobby said. "Are you alone in the house?" Sydney said in Killer voice. "Fuck you motherfucker! WHERE ARE YOU." Bobby said as he is destroying the house. And Sue Answered the phone too. "Hello. My mom and dad are going to scold me!" Sue said. "Oh Sue you're mom and dad have no mercy. Bobby grabbed the phone again. "Where.Are.You." Bobby said. "SHUT UP, GAY." Sydney said. Bobby is checking all the doors in the house and Bobby can hear Sydney talking to Sue. Bobby is Grabbing the doorknob slowly and Quietly. Sydney appeared in the door And stabbing him with Umbrella. Sydney been caught by Sue. "Motherfuckers." Sudney said. Sydney Slide through Sue again and Stab Him with umbrella. "Sydney." His bestfriend is still alive. "Oh I thought You're dead." Sydney said. Bobby grabbed Sydney slowly and Gail shot him in the head. "Hes still alive, Trying to Grab you." Gail said. "Give me the gun Gail." Sydney said. "Ok" Gail Said. Sydney shoot Bobby again just to Incase. Sydney dropped the gun and the three survive. "Im done with this bullshit." Sydney said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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