Yes I'm uploading another story but I really have a good feeling about this one, so feed back would be really supportive :)
Chapter One: Messages.
But what I don't get is why do you put up with all of this Jaz? I mean come on! You don't deserve this kind of treatment. You should be treated like a princess! Other than that, how was your day my love?
I didn't know how to reply to that, Troy and I had met over a chat site I had found on the Internet, I had been chatting to him for over a year now.
I first started talking to him the day after my sixteenth birthday party and the next morning I woke up with a raging headache and was too sick to go outside so I spent that entire day surfing the Internet, just looking what was new and that's when I found the website.
My laptop beeped and I opened the message;
Jasmine? Are you okay?
That's when I realised that I had taken about ten minutes to reply to his last message, I quickly typed a reply back;
Yeah sorry I was just lost in thought, you really wanna know? Other than getting slapped in the face and being told your worthless? My day was okay.
I pressed enter and waited for his reply, my reasons for the slapping was because apparently I was sleeping with my best friends boyfriend, I'm a virgin and I'm proud of it and even sleeping with your best friends boyfriend is a line I would never and I mean never cross. And the worthless part well let’s say that I didn't have the most supporting parents you could get.
No they didn't abuse me, they just hurt me, emotionally that is. You see, when I was six my mom was pregnant again but in her last trimester she had a miscarriage and then that's when everything went downhill, my mom stopped talking to everyone and then my dad blamed everything on me saying I had put too much stress on my mom during the pregnancy.
They didn't realise how much that even affected me, they lost a child and I had lost a little brother, they let me choose the name.
His name was going to be Peter, the reason behind it was because at the time 'Peter Pan' was my favourite movie. I missed my little brother, he would always kick when I was listening to my mom’s tummy or talking to it, I wish he was here otherwise I wouldn't be going through this, my laptop beeped notifying me that Troy had replied,
I'm really sorry love, I wish I was there to comfort you.
This is what really sucks. I decided to quickly send Troy a message telling him that I was just going to go take a quick shower, he said okay and that I should enjoy it and then I walked into my en-suite and took a shower. The problem with me and Troy, he lives in England while I live in California. That's quite a far distance and I wasn't up to the heartbreak if we did start to date, I highly doubted that though.
When me and Troy first started talking he wasn't like this he was a player and broke girls heart on a daily basis, he would give me one word answers but a few weeks later, he started talking to me like I was lifelong friend, six months later our friendship was blossoming into a beautiful rose, after a bad day from taking emotional abuse from my parents Troy confessed to me that he liked me and me being in the fragile state that I was I told him to go away but I said it in much less nicer words, so I immediately logged off and didn't go back on for about a week.
And in that week I realised just how much I need Troy, he was like my oxygen and this thing about not being able to be close to him was killing me slowly. So I went back online and was bombarded with messages from him asking if I was okay and if he needed to fly out and come and make sure if I was alive, luckily I read that message and assured him I was alright, I didn't know how to tell him. I still haven't.
I wish I could meet you in real life, you’re a really great guy Troy.
I didn't know what else to say, it was either I said that I wanted to kiss him until he died from lack of oxygen or I let him down easy. I decided on the last option because what if he didn't like me anymore and I just made a complete fool of myself. I wasn't going to go through the pain of losing one of the people that I held dearest to my head so instead I decided to quickly send Troy a message telling him that I was going to sleep because I was really tired, he said goodnight and then I feel asleep.
School the next day was horrible. When I walked through the doors I saw Cynthia making out with her boyfriend, Joshua at her locker. Joshua saw me and threw me a wink which Cynthia obviously noticed because she gave me a cold glare which I just rolled my eyes at and made my way to my first period which was Maths.
School passed in a blur which consisted of death glares from Cynthia, sly winks for Joshua and questions from teachers. Once I got home I did my homework which was fairly easily because all we had to do was read a few chapters from the book we were currently studying in English and then write a review on it. Easy as pie.
Speaking about pie I could use some. So I stuck my hand under my mattress and pulled out about five dollars, I had a stash of money that I got one summer from working at a supermarket. I only used this money when necessary or when I really wanted something.
Walking to the shop I knew was close by was about a ten minute walk away, today was Wednesday so my parents would be at work or something so that means I didn't have to worry about getting home and explaining why I was out.
Reaching the supermarket in eight minutes exactly I ran to the frozen foods section and as I was about to grab a blueberry pie a hand reached out and went for the same pie box, I was about to whip some serious ass when I looked up and saw the most gorgeous blue eyes
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Letters To Jasmine
RomanceTroy and Jasmine met by chance. No, not at the library or at school. No, they met on the Interent. Cyberspace and it's humor.