Dinger imagine 1 Part One❣ ( Requested by oliviagrace04 )

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It was a boring old Saturday. I had nothing better to do than slip a vhs tape of  Weird Science into my tv, and pop some popcorn. Just as I sat down to watch the movie my phone rang. I sighed, then got up to get my phone . When I answered, I automatically knew who it was, " Hello honey!! What are you doing today? Maybe we could hang out or somethin'. Whu'd u think? " Said Dinger. He was my best friend that I have had since the 5th grade. Well, let's just say that Dinger was a super cute. He was a red-haired babe. If you can't already tell I may sorta have a crush on Dinger. I knew what he wanted to do.
" Hey Dinger!!! " I exclaimed, " Let me guess.... You want to go to the lake!!! "
" Oh Livy, you know me so well. So you wanna go or not? "
Dinger sounded anxious so I just said, " Of course I would love to! "

So I brushed my hair and threw on a blue and white crop top with high waisted shorts. I had my black bikini on underneath. As for shoes, I had a choice between my old gray flip flops or a pair of white converse. I went with the flip flops.
After a fifteen minute bike ride I finally reached the trail leading to the waterfall and the lake. I looked around but I didn't see Dinger. As I was turning away from the trail, Dinger jumped out of a bush and grabbed me. " Dinger!!!!! You could have given me a heart attack. ", I painted. Dinger still had his arms wrapped around me. He was also looking into my eyes. I must have been blushing because he let go and said," C'mon. Let's go we got a long hike ahead of us. "

As we were walking up the trail I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. Why did he just stand there. It might be a possibility that he likes me. Nah. He couldn't. I shook the thought from my head and continued up the trail. When we reached the lake it took my breath away. It was so beautiful. And the waterfall was so gorgeous.
I didn't know how long I had been standing there but Dinger spoke up and said," You coming in or not? "   " Yeah i- " I was such a fool. I had tripped over my own foot. Dinger caught me though. I stared into his ocean eyes. As I leaned in a little toward his lips he pulled away, blushing a little.  Great. I blew it. I'm screwed.
Dinger acted as if nothing had happened. " Whoo-Hoo!!! " He exclaimed as he jumped in.  So I took off my shirt and shorts. He was looking me up and down. I blushed and jumped in right on top of him. He did that half smile thing that I like," Like your bathing suit," " Oh this old thing, thanks." 
After an hour of swimming Dinger said," Hey I have something to show you Liv." He grabbed my hand and led me to the waterfall. Then we went behind it. " Wow Dinger, this is beautiful." He looked at me, " Well not as beautiful as you," I felt my face getting red hot, " D-Dinger about e-earlier-"  He interrupted me," It's ok. I like you too. I was just- embarrassed."  He was so cute. He leaned in and so did I with our lips meeting. It was soft and gentle, " Liv, I really like you. Ya know honey I think I love you. "

Thank u guys for reading Part one. Shout out to oliviagrace04 the one this imagine is about. Pls go read he rant book she's writing. Also you guys can request!!❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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