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There was something about this specific coffee shop that always draws Brooke in. She could never pinpoint it as for the reason but she figured it was the homie feel that it gave her or the unique crowd that it drew. She could always find someone interesting to talk to as she waited in the horrendously long line. Oh and there was that, the amazing coffee also drew in a lot of customers.

Brooke patiently waited in line, checking her work emails as she stood there. Today seemed like it was going to be an easy day from the looks of her emails. There were no big deadlines or complaints that had to be taken care of.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and she tucked her phone into her pocket as she turned around to the handsome man behind her. He greeted her with a welcoming smile.

"I haven't been here before. Is there a certain brew you would recommend?" He asked.

"Umm I like their macchiato the best but basically anything you can get here is good." Brooke smiled.

He nodded and she turned back around, feeling a faint blush rise on her cheeks. She couldn't remember the last time she thought someone was attractive. She had sworn off love after a bad breakup and put all her focus into work.

"Miss, what can I get for you?" The barista asked, shaking Brooke from her thoughts.

"A small macchiato with a blueberry muffin please," Brooke said.

"That will be six fifty mam."

Brooke opened up her purse, shuffling through it unable to find her wallet. She had a pretty large wallet and it was unlikely that it could go missing in her purse. She sighed, her morning was off to a horrible start.

"It seems that I forgot my wallet so you can just cancel my order," Brooke said with a defeated smile.

"I got it for her. You said six fifty right?" The man from behind her said as he stepped towards the register.

"Oh no, it's fine. You don't have to do that."

"It's no problem." He answered as he handed the lady the money.

"Well, thank you," Brooke said.

She took her drink and muffin from the lady and thanked the man again before going and sitting down at a nearby table. She pulled out her phone again, reading a text from her brother who was updating her on his disgustingly perfect life and trying to set her up on a date with his wife's friend's brother. She rolled her eyes and decided to respond later or not at all to him.

"Is this seat taken?" The man from earlier asked as he gestured to the seat across from her.

She shook her head, "No."

"I have to say I now understand the buzz about this place. Good coffee." He said with a smile as he sat.

"Good doesn't even describe it." She smiled back. "I'm Brooke by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Brooke. I'm Jensen." He said with a nod. "Do you work around here?"

"I'm an editor for a magazine." She let out a long sigh. "Horrible hours, horrible coworkers, pretty much everything is horrible but that's why it's called work."

"I don't have that issue with my line of work, except for the horrible hour's portion because my hours are brutal. But as for the horrible coworkers, I can't relate." He rambled.

"What do you do?" She asked.

"Ugh," He rubbed his hand over his stubbly chin as he looked into her eyes. He hated telling people about his career. People treated him differently after they knew. But he saw something about her that made him feel like she wasn't like the others. "I'm an actor on the show Supernatural. You probably haven't heard of it."

Brooke's eyes opened wide and her jaw almost fell open before she stopped herself. She had just let a famous actor pay for her coffee and had been having a completely normal conversation with him having no idea who he was. Of course, now the pieces were coming together. She thought there had been something familiar about him, she had seen him on tv. She didn't frequently watch the show mostly because she didn't have the time but she has seen a few episodes here and there over the years.

"Wow, um," she stumbled over her words, "that's really cool."

"Yeah, it has its perks but it also has its fair share of downfalls." He sighed.

"Well Jensen, maybe next time you're here I can buy you your coffee and then we'll be even."

"Or maybe you could go out to dinner with me." He said, his voice trailing off at the end.

She saw his gaze drop and his grip on his cup become tighter and she couldn't help but smile. Here was a man who was incredibly out of her league being nervous around her.

"I could do that," She said. "How about tomorrow night?"

He smirked and nodded, "Tomorrow would be great."

"Here give me your phone," Brooke said reaching out her hand.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"So I can give you my phone number." Brooke laughed. "Now cmon. I have to get going soon."

He handed over his phone and she quickly added herself as a new contact before handing his phone back to him.

"How do I know it's not a fake number?" He asked jokingly.

"Guess you'll just have to trust me," Brooke said as she stood up. "I have to go to work but call me later and we can make a plan."

"Yeah I should be heading out also," Jensen said. "And I'll call you later then."

Brooke buttoned up her jacket before walking out into the brisk fall air. She glanced back at the man who was getting ready to walk out behind her, still giddy with the idea of going on a date with him. She felt a smile spread across her face, suddenly very happy that today of all days was when she forgot her wallet. She turned at the street corner, sneaking one last look at him before he got into his car. Brooke knew one thing for sure, she couldn't wait for him to call later

***Author's Note***

As of right now, I have this fanfic almost finished. It will end up to be around 23 chapters long (if I do not add extra chapters). I will most likely update once or twice a week since I have most of the chapters finished already. So don't worry that this fanfic will never be completed haha (not like another fanfic I may have up on here that hasn't been updated in months.... oops).

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and the chapters to come :) Please vote/comment!

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