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"How've you guys been? I feel like I haven't seen you in so long." Gen asked as she sat down across the table from Brooke in the small cafe.

"Jensen's been a little distant recently and I'm starting to get worried."

"Have you tried talking to him about it?"

"I mentioned it twice and both times he said he was tired but this has been happening for three weeks now." Brooke sighed. "I feel like he's shut me out and I'm not sure what I did wrong."

She was unsure if she wanted to bring up anything more to Gen because Jensen doesn't like it when she tells other people about their personal life. Gen wasn't the type of person who would tell anyone what she was told so Brooke decided it was safe and she desperately needed to talk to someone about it.

"It's probably nothing. I know that Jared's been stressed out with work so Jensen is probably feeling the same." Gen answered.

Brooke knew she was right. There probably was nothing to worry about but there was a part of her that was still worried that it was something more.

"What happened between Jensen and Danneel?" Brooke asked, regretting it as soon as she did.

Brooke had already looked up articles about what the press wrote about their breakup but it was the press so she didn't take it as the truth. Gen would know what really happened since she is so close to both of them.

Gen shrugged, "They just grew apart after JJ. She was focused on being a mom and he was busy on Supernatural and they didn't set aside enough alone time to be with each other. They realized that a week would go by and they had no real conversations and they called it quits. It was a mutual decision but it was hard on both of them."

Brooke nodded. What if Jensen was pushing her away right now because he was no longer interested in her? She didn't think that they had grown apart but what if he thinks they have? She felt her heart begin to race as all the questions popped into her mind.

Gen must have seen her begin to panic because she placed her hand on my shoulder and gave me a smile, "It's different with you and J. Danneel and him just weren't meant to be. I've never seen Jensen be so happy around someone, even when he was with Danneel."

"Then why is he being so distant?" She asked.

"I don't know. I'll talk to him about it but I know from experience that he shuts down when he's super stressed."

Brooke sighed, knowing she was right. There was nothing to be worried about but it nagged at her.

"Okay, Brooke, calm down and relax. Jensen loves you, he wouldn't do anything to hurt you." She said giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Now, I'm away from my boys for the next two hours and I want to make that time count!"

Brooke smiled, "We should go hit a bar then."

"I take a sip of wine and get drunk." Gen said with a sigh. "Maybe we can just drink obscene amounts of caffeine instead."

"Sounds like a plan." Brooke smiled as she picked up her coffee mug and clinked it against Gen's.

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