This story is my first story I am only 12 so forgive my spelling if not f#%* you,enjoy ;)
I Have been on this case for years ,they call this the missing woods because people go in but nobody comes out alive that is.A year ago they found a body from 1872 has not aged a day when they fund it,all the flesh was still warm but had unusual markings on it like she was forming into something else,inhuman. My search ends hear countless hours of research has end to hear. I decided to step in I take a few steps in then I got scared and decided to term back but when I did it looked as if I have been walking for hours then I saw her a little girl about 8 years walking like everything was fine I ran to her and tripped knocking her down but when i felt her she was cold I say maggots come out of her she was died.
Hope you enjoyed I mite make a sequel