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Leena's POV

"Ready to go?" Megan asks glancing at my eyes and then the left side of my face.

"Yes. But why are you staring at me like that?" I inquire.

"You have a hair sticking out," she says. "Here," she says pulling a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Thanks," I say staring at the floor of her Mercedes.

"No problem," she shrugs.

There's a moment of silence between us. This isn't normally her, she's always so talkative. What's going on with her?

"Alright, we should head in now. I bet Veronica is waiting for us. She must have new designs in," Megan says.

"Okay," I say opening the passenger door of the Mercedes and climb out.

I wait for her to meet my side and we start walking towards the shops scattered along the streets.

"Where first?" I question.

"Chanel sound fine?" She rubs a small area of her arm. I see small yet swollen red marks on her wrists. Cuts.

"Perfectly okay with me," I say tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I make sure to keep my eye contact off her wrist or she might see.

"Lets get shopping Leena!" Megan yells, not loud but enough for those in hearing distance around us.

I throw my head back and laugh. I look at her and give her one of my traditional smiles.

"C'mon pearly whites," Megan jokes hooking her arm with mine.

She starts to skip and I follow along skipping as well. Today is gonna be interesting.


Shopping went longer than I thought. About 3 and a half hours. Megan had like ten bags, I only had four. Don't get me wrong I love shopping but with Megan it feels like a week goes by instead of a few hours.

"I'll have a water please," I smile at the waiter as she walks away.

We're at Fuji Grill now. Megan raises her eyebrow at me. She only does it when she's about to ask a question.

"No green tea?"


"Nope," I shrug.

"Are you okay Leena?" Megan asks eyeballing me up and down.

"Couldn't be better," I grin.

"I'm not convinced," she tells me.

"Megan," I sigh, "I'm fine, just tired it was a longer day at school and I'm worn out."

I give her one of my best fake smiles and she smiles back.

"There's the Leena I know," she jokes.

We both let out laughter and continue talking about what we bought shopping.


It's been a hour and were still at Fuji Grill. I barley touched my food. I look at my plate and then Megan's, she's almost done but she ate really slow.

I still do not know how she does it. She can eat whatever she wants, literally and she won't gain a pound. How?

"Earth to Leena!"

I look up at Megan dumbfounded. She takes a sip of her iced tea and speaks.

"Do you want to sleep over later, after the movies?"

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