Chapter one

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"Dave!" I heard someone yell.

I turned around and saw diana. "What's wrong" i asked. "I have been calling your name over and over, why didn't you answer." she said with a mad face.

"I was far in thoughts. it sounds weird but i have the feeling that someone is watching me" i whispered in her ear.
She looked scared, so i said that i was joking. She gave me a playfull glare.

i didn't want the girl i liked to be scared. Yeah i liked her since we were in 1st grade. She was the first girl that i've ever liked. And the first girl that was nice to me. I remember it like it was yesterday when we first met.

i was walking to school. Tears falling from my eyes. my mom and dad were fighting that morning. 'Cause of some money issue.

"What's wrong?" I heard a small voice from behind me.

I turned around and saw a beautifull girl looking at me with big eyes. "There is nothing" i said while looking away, wiping my tears. "Why are you crying then" she asked with a woried look.

I don't know why, but i laughed . She was so adorable and innocent. That i just wanted to smile.

"it's just that my parents were fighting that's all."

The next thing suprised me. She pulled me in a comforting and warm hug. And kept saying "it's going to be okay"❤️

Since then we were best friends. The other boys were jealous of me.

I mean diana was a very nice and cute girl. Eyery boy in our class liked her. So they sometimes bothered me.

But i didn't care. The only thing i cared about was the beautifull girl that always looked at me with those big hazel eyes.

"Come it is already late, we schould be heading home" i said with a smile. She nodded. And we began walking home. Her house isn't far from the school after all.

I always bring her to her home when it gets late. I dont want anything to happen to her. And it felt like i was her boyfriend when i did it. So i was happy.

When we were by her house we bid our goodbyes. And i walked further to my house that was two blocks away from her's.

It was dark. Some of the lanterns were broken.

The feeling that someone was watching me was still in my head. I looked around and saw nothing. So i walked further. I heard footsteps behind me. And i started creeping out.

Although there was no reason to 'cause it can be anyone. But i still had that uneasy feeling.

Then it happened..... A hand grapped me from behind. I struggled. And broke free from his grip.

I took a quick glance. To see it's face.It was a man his face full of tatoos. God i was scared as hell. I don't think kids liked him.

He tried to grap me again. But i ran. Hoping i would reach my house. When my house was in sight. He grabbed me and brought something to my face. You know' What you see in those movies'.

I immediately thought about dia. 'Cause i knew i would never see her again.

And then it was all black....



First,i'm sorry if there were some gramatical errors. I'm not really good at writing but i wanted my fantasies to be shared. So i started Writing. This is my first book. sooooooo.... I hoped you liked the first chapter.


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